Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fall break, kinda . . . .

Felix has been wanting my attention today! I was trying to study for my statistics test and had all my notes spread out on the kitchen table and he would lay down in the middle of it! I would put him down and back up he was! He just loves his mother but his mother was stressing over z-scores!!! As cute as he is, I had to pack up my studies and I went to the Mudhouse and studied till I had to be at class tonight. I worked on reading and understand a paragraph the instructor wrote on our study guide and that paid off! It was the fill-in-the-blank! (Or as my instructor wrote it on our test - Phil-in-the-blankz!)

I finished my Statistics test tonight and it wasn't as hard as I was thinking it was going to be. I made sure to look up what he did put on the study guide and it helped! There was one question that I had no idea what he wanted or where it was in our notes. I hope that we get these test back! I still haven't seen what I got on the second statistics test. Today the lecture after the test went over my head! I am going to have to read into hypothesis, one tail and two tail testing more. I was able to do the math but why we are doing the math, I have no idea! The rest of this week is fall break so I don't have as much to do this week with school. I just have to figure out my homework for statistics before next Tuesday . . . . .

Anyway, I am actually sleepy tonight and hope I can fall asleep tonight. The last two nights I haven't been able to fall asleep till 7am! Then that makes me trying to get out of bed at least by noon to get things done! I guess doing that two days in a row is catching up with me. I need to do laundry then I can go to bed!

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