Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Two more days till vacation!

I am soo excited about being off work for awhile! I am hoping that I can work on organizing my house a little more. I would like to get my extra bedroom clean of the clutter so I can enjoy it! I worked on getting my bonus room a little bit more organized this morning. It still needs work but looks better! I even moved my printer out of the extra bedroom into my bonus room so that is a start of organizing my extra bedroom! I just need to figure out what to do with the desk in that room.

Well, I was one sleepy girl yesterday! I fell asleep a little after 10 a.m. and woke up at 0600 this morning! I woke up last night at 2120 and thought I must have been tired. I tried to watch TV only to fall asleep so I went back to bed. I can't believe I slept that long! The only problem with it is that I work tonight and I am not sleepy enough for a nap. I will be exhausted when I get off in the morning! This is the kind of sleeping that happens from working every other day on the night shift!

Nothing to exciting is going on. I am just ready to do some scrapbooking while I am on vacation! I will also have to spend time with my nieces after they get out of school. I might have them help me put together a puzzle and then glue it together for my kitchen. It is a Coca-Cola puzzle and will look good in my kitchen!

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