Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vacation week . . . .

Is about over!! I haven't kept up with my blog as I had hoped. I haven't been able to stay awake at night getting up early with the puppy. Then I don't want to be on the computer to long as to waste the day away! Here I am at the end of the week and didn't keep up with my blog as I had hoped.

It has been a good week and a nice break. I actually go back to work for 2 days and then off again for almost a week. I could get used to this!!! My Intermediate Photography class ends this Tuesday which makes me sad. Then I start up with my last photography class on Thursday which is about lighting. I finally have a flash for my camera but haven't really learned how to use it yet. I think this class is going to talk about lighting that I don't have but I am sure it will be useful for me if I do end up getting lights in the future.

March 17, 2009

I started my vacation out with scrapbooking which is always fun!! I finally got my Project 365 kit from Creating Keepsakes and was getting it caught up. I still need to print some pics and also resize some pics. I might have to get this caught up more at CKC-St. Louis next week. I have quite a few LO's I have done that need pictures. I also have some that I need to ad journaling too. I was hoping to get this done but just haven't. I need to get in a better habit of sending my pics to be printed more often. I find it difficult to go through tons of pictures! I have finally learned how to tag photos in Photoshop so that will help me some. I still have a ton of photos not tagged!

March 30, 2009

The other highlight of the week was playing with my fisheye lens and doing some photography. I have rented a fisheye lens and it has been soo fun!! It has made me really want one! They are kinda expensive. The one I have rented is cheaper but you have to manual focus the lens. I have some fun pics I took with my nieces!

March 21, 2009

March 22, 2009

I have known about a camera club here for a while but earlier in the week decided to search for the web page. I saw that they were having a meeting this week and guest were welcome to join in the meeting. It was great! I was impressed on how many people are involved and the different activities that they have. I am planning to join and hopefully be able to attend some meetings. They also talked about a photography symposium in May and it is my weekend off!!! I am going to go! I am glad to be able to get involved with this club and continue learning from other photographers.

I am going to finish editing some photos and will post them here when I get done!

*I have had this post saved since the end of March to add fisheye photos to and finally sat down and got it done today! I was renting this lens and it was a sad day when I had to return it. I really liked it! It was just fun to play around with!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Busy, Busy!!

I have been a little busy lately working on my photography class and working. It has been crazy at work but I am glad to say I am on vacation at the present time! Phew! I needed a break from work for a while and hopefully I can come back feeling a little more refreshed.

I will hopefully keep things caught up here better while on vacation!
