It has been a while. I have really slacked at blogging this year but hoping to pick it back up next year. I am thinking of doing Project Life next year and this is a good tool to assist with journaling.
I had an interesting night/morning! I had suspected that I had a mouse in my cabinet near the stove. I am unsure how but there must be a hold somehow and they are getting in from the crawl space. Felix was really watching something but I went on with my business. Later I am in bed and I can hear a commotion coming from the kitchen! This went on for about 30 minutes till I got up to check it out. I put my shoes on just in case but I didn't see anything but the cats had things out of place! There had been a chase. I am guessing the mouse was hiding in between my recycling sacks. I went back to bed and went to sleep as it was 3am at this point. This morning, I walking into my dining room to HALF a mouse!!! The rest of the mouse was mutilated in the kitchen. YUCK!!!! I disinfected the floor this morning.
I have had some type of shoe on today just in case! The cats keep hanging out in the kitchen like they hear something. I wonder if they mouse came out because I had noticed last week my popcorn kernels were made into corn meal. The mouse had also tried to eat Phoebe's dog treats! I removed anything edible from that area. The mouse came out to possibly find food not realizing it was going to be food!!!
I am going to celebrate the new year with my sister and one of my nieces. The youngest niece has plans tonight. I need to find a veggie tray for some healthy snacks!
Happy New Year!!!