Monday, January 02, 2012

Good Bye 2011, I hate/love you

A video my niece made! <3

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Years Day!

The new year has started out with family and friends!  I was happy this year that I didn't have to work New Year Eve or New Years day.  One of the cons of being a nurse is having to worry about being off the holidays.


Last night I went to my sisters and we hung out together.  Our plan was to dance to Just Dance, Michael Jackson Experience and do some Zumba.  My niece and cousin was chatting online with people from other countries.  Then my sister ended up falling asleep on the couch!  I have picked up learning how to knit again and brought a project I had recently started.  It was 1am before I knew it!  I was ready to leave about 0130 and my niece told me I couldn't leave!  They did get Just Dance Summer Party out and they did some dancing.  Then I decided to leave after 0200 as I wanted to have some sleep!  I didn't last long when I got home.


I slept today until 1430!  I woke up to 4 texts on my phone which the last one getting me up.  My sister texted me asking if I wanted to come to dinner.  I went to dinner at my sisters.  She had also invited our parents.  It was a fun family evening!  I also made plans with my nieces later in the week for some afternoon vintage fun!

I am bummed that I have to work tomorrow but then I get a couple of days off.  I do enjoy working 12 hours shifts and having more days off in the week.  It helps keep me sane!

Till next time . . . .
