Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer is winding down

I can't believe that summer is technically over!!  School is back in season and the weather is cooling off a little.  This summer was too HOT!!  We had about 2 months of 100+ weather.  I like summer but this was a bit too much.

In June, I had a 3 week vacation that was great!  I went to St. Louis for CKC and also got my first out-of-state geocache.  I also had a goal to get at least 30 geocaches in June and I got 35!  My nieces and I went geocaching for a day and we found lots of ticks!!  We decided to wait on crawling in the woods till tick season is over.

July brought lots of sadness for me.  I lost my cat Chloe.  I came home from work on morning and she was dead in the hallway.  She was just fine before I left for work that night.  She had been fighting hyperthyroidism but her levels were finally in optimal range and she seemed to be doing better.  It was quite the shock for me.  I have been wanting to make a blog post in regards to this.

Navy Pier
Then in the middle of July, I traveled to Elburn, IL to see my Scrap Jammie friends!  One was traveling all the way from Australia!  We even took a day trip to Chicago which was a blast!!!  I need to order pictures and get to scrapbooking them!

I got back from my trip and my A/C wasn't able to keep up with the 100+ weather.  It is leaking freon and I need a new system.  They at least got it working for me but I need to start saving $$$$ for a new unit.  Ugh!!  At least the weather has cooled off to the 80's to 90's which is nice.

August I have been working on getting my house better organized, especially my extra bedroom!  I made good progress but still have lots to do.  I have lots of stuff I just need to get rid of.

I am hanging out at the Mudhouse trying to stay caffeinated!!

Thanks for reading and have a great day!
