I can't believe the last time I blogged was in November! Yikes! After I returned to work after my vacation in November, I was busy with the holidays. Then after Christmas, I got sick with respiratory stuff. I finally got over that and then got food poisoning! I finally got over that and a week later ended up with sinus problems. Ohhhh! I am tired of being sick! I have been slacking in my water aerobics I enjoy. I hope to be able to get back into the groove soon!
I just had to say how much I hate nursing! Another nurse I work with suggested I google, "I hate nursing". I have found lots of post of other nurses that feel the same way I do! I have to say I enjoy being a nurse but it has changed and I am not liking how things are going. I have about 30 years till I can retire so I need to renew my spirit in nursing!! I am sure it is only going to get worse instead of better. I do my best to make sure my patients are taken care of and hope they are appreciative of what I am doing for them. Some are and some aren't no matter what you do!
I am hanging out downtown at my fave coffee shop to destress a little. I am off to google about art journals and read about photography! My hobbies keep me sane. I am looking forward to another vacation later this month for a much needed vacation!
I hope it won't be so long before another post.