The judges said that the exposure was correct. The photo was lacking a focal point. I thought the bench/platform on the lake was my focal point. They said I should of had someone sit on the bench. I should have also played a little more with the composition. I ended up with a score of 231 out of 300.
There is many talented photographers and once I saw the other prints, I was in awwww!!! One guy took a macro shot of a spider in a flower. You could see the spiders eyes and little hairs! It was a great picture and even won a ribbon. It will be posted on the camera club site. As of the day I posted this, the 1st quarter winners weren't posted yet.
I am anxious to enter the 2nd quarter and see what the judges say. I am thinking of entering a picture I took of the Eiffel Tower. My Mom thought this picture was a postcard I had bought. I am also taking Picture Spring at Big Picture Scrapbooking to motivate me to take more pictures. I hope to have lots of great pictures to choose from!