Friday, March 26, 2010

Camera Club Competition


This is the photo I entered in the 1st quarter camera club competition. I took this photo in Eureka Springs at a nature shoot I went to. I had been anxious to here what the judges were going to say about my photo. I even had dreams (more like nightmares) about the results. I was glad when I finally got to here the results!

The judges said that the exposure was correct. The photo was lacking a focal point. I thought the bench/platform on the lake was my focal point. They said I should of had someone sit on the bench. I should have also played a little more with the composition. I ended up with a score of 231 out of 300.

There is many talented photographers and once I saw the other prints, I was in awwww!!! One guy took a macro shot of a spider in a flower. You could see the spiders eyes and little hairs! It was a great picture and even won a ribbon. It will be posted on the camera club site. As of the day I posted this, the 1st quarter winners weren't posted yet.

I am anxious to enter the 2nd quarter and see what the judges say. I am thinking of entering a picture I took of the Eiffel Tower. My Mom thought this picture was a postcard I had bought. I am also taking Picture Spring at Big Picture Scrapbooking to motivate me to take more pictures. I hope to have lots of great pictures to choose from!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring? Where did you go?

It is freezing outside for the first full day of Spring. It has been snowing, sleeting & freezing rain since yesterday. The ground is covered hopefully for the last time. So far if I have been at work, the weather is nice. If I don't work, the weather has been icky. I have the end of this week off so I hope that luck changes! Here is a picture of my flowers:

Poor flowers

I don't think my Daffodils are going to make it after this. :-( I still need to finish mulching my flower garden. The weather has been icky for me to finish that project.

This weekend I have been trying to stay awake for the crop at The Mosy Scrapper. I haven't done a very good job. I slept most of yesterday, got up for a bit and joined in some of the fun but ended up falling asleep again! Then today I slept through my alarm and woke up around 2pm! Ugh!! I checked in & was able to play a little Bingo and then ended up falling asleep again. Then I woke up with an ugly headache. The Advil didn't help so I have taken Extra Strength Excedrin. It is a little better but I still have a mild headache. My weekend of fun scrapbooking has been spoiled.

I am chilling at the Mudhouse currently for my weekly dose of frozen coffee. Maybe I can go home soon and do a little bit for the crop. I did enjoy playing bingo and the photo scavenger hunt! Of course, the chatting!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Online Crop!


This weekend is the second anniversary crop at The Mosy Scrapper! On March 20-21 come join in on the fun! Their will be a ton of challenges for all types of scrappers! You can check out the sponsors for the crop on The Mosy Scrapper blog. I hope to see you there!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Phoebe's Birthday Celebration

Today is Phoebe's birthday so I had to have a little party! Last year on her first birthday, I wanted to have a celebration but everyone was busy. :-( This year it worked out that we were able to get together. :-) This year my sister has a dog so Baby got to attend.


I found this hat at Three Dog Bakery and had to get it! Phoebe didn't really care for the hat but she wore it. She occasionally would try to eat it! I need to put it in a safe place for future birthdays.


I made pupcakes for the people to eat! I have a Martha Stewart cupcake book that I got this idea from. There are lots of cute cupcakes in the book. I want to make some Spring cupcakes next!





I had gotten a couple of treats from the Three Dog Bakery yesterday. I got a Drooly dream bar and Lickity Split ice cream. I split that between Baby and Phoebe. Phoebe inhaled hers! At least this year she didn't grab it and run like last year. Phoebe had hers gone in no time. Baby was more calm about her treats and then Phoebe wanted to help her finish!


Then here are a few other pictures I had taken:



The look on Baby's face and Phoebe's is too funny in this picture!


My sister & nieces brought Phoebe a bone from the Three Dog Bakery! I gave her one and she went crazy! She was running through the house with it and if I got near her, she growled at me! It must be a good bone. She finally got on my bed and was chewing away! I was wanting to head to the Mudhouse so I picked her up and she put her paws on the bone and growled at me! She finally dropped the bone and got in her crate for me!

We had a fun afternoon celebrating Phoebe's birthday!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Sick day


I haven't been feeling very good this week. Monday evening I started feeling light headed. I woke up Tuesday around 3am and was so dizzy I couldn't walk! I have never been that dizzy before. I could lay in bed and eventually the spinning would stop. I didn't want to get up again after that. By morning I was still pretty dizzy but I got out of bed slower and did a little better. I couldn't figure out why I was so dizzy. I had to work that night so I stayed in bed till 3pm. I was still dizzy when I got up but it got better the longer I stayed up. I went ahead and went to work.

I made it through the night but I was dizzy. I had to be cautious on how I turned or I would lose my balance. I got home that morning and made an appointment with my doctor. When I woke up that evening, I felt better and wasn't dizzy. I went ahead and went to work and didn't feel too bad. When I got off work, I went to my doctor appointment and my temp was 100.3! I didn't feel like I was running a temp. He didn't have anything to say about my dizziness. I was told I might have some fluid in my right ear so maybe that is what was causing my dizziness. He also told me the headaches I have been having sound more like migraines. Blah! I don't need anything else. I did have a sinus infection. I am now on antibiotics. He told me I wasn't going to work on Friday and I couldn't return to work till I have been fever free for 24 hours. I don't like calling into work. I believe the last time I called in was 2003.

This morning when I woke up, I was dizzy again! I was still running a fever so I called into work. :-( I messed up my perfect attendance. I think I needed the rest so I can get better. I ended up staying in bed most of the morning but by afternoon I moved to the living room to catch up on my DVR. I sat in the floor and went through piles of paper I have wanted to shred or file. I was glad to get that done. I stayed in my PJ's all day. My fever was better this evening after being on the antibiotics over 24 hours. I just hope it continues!
