Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What a summer!

I am so behind in keeping my blog up-to-date that I am not sure where to start!

I have had an emotional summer.  In June, my Grandma passed away.  She had been ill for awhile and was under hospice care.  Even with her being ill, she was doing alright till she had difficulty breathing and was gone.  This all happened the day before my birthday.  I have to say, that has been the worst birthday of my life and I sure hope nothing else will top that.  I was on vacation from work so had extra time off.  I was glad to have extra time off from work and spend time with family.

In the last couple of weeks, a co-worker that I have worked with for about 3 years is moving to another state.  It makes me sad she is leaving.  I will miss her!!  We had a lot in common and enjoyed working with her.    We had her going away party at a Mexican restaurant.  It was a fun but sad evening at the same time.  I might have to make a road trip someday to visit her!

I have had some fun days with my nieces!  I always enjoy those.  I haven't gotten to spend as much time with them as I had hoped because of my work schedule & their schedule!  We are all getting together this weekend to grill pizza!  We did that last year and it was fun!  Grilled pizza is sooo yummy!  Then we are going to tie dye.  I have had a white apron that I have never done anything with.  So, I am going to see what I can do with it.  I might have to see if I can find some white T-shirts at Wal-mart.

I will have to slowly update of significant things over the last few months and mix in current events.  I have a list of blog ideas that I made earlier this year and have been adding to it tonight.  I hope to get back in the swing of blogging again!  Till then, enjoy a little video of my pug dreaming!



*Denise* said...

So sorry to hear about your grandma Jana!! Hugs to you! Sounds like you are keeping busy and got your degree since we last chatted on the scrappin boards. Congrats!! WOOHOO!

janet said...

That Phoebe...she is so cute!