Sunday, April 04, 2010

Scrappy Goodness!

This morning I was woke up early by Miss Phoebe. Not unusual but I decided to just stay awake since I have been trying to be "normal" since I am on vacation. I spent the morning venturing on 2peas and found the cutest coffee cup album! It is actually a digital file that you print out and put together. I have printed it out and going to work on printing photos and gathering embellishments! I have an idea of what photos I want to use. I just hope I can find them. I am going to work on this tomorrow at my scrapbook meetup group! :-)

The weather has been nice but windy today. I have had a hard time staying awake! I did lay down for a bit but it didn't help. Being on a normal schedule is difficult when you work the night shift. I hope I will be able to sleep good tonight and wake up refreshed tomorrow! It always takes me a few days to get back on track.

June 12, 2009

I took Phoebe for a walk around the neighborhood. I thought it would help wake me up and she just loves taking walks! When it starts getting hot outside, I don't take her for walks since pugs get overheated easily. We need to enjoy it while we can! I have been taking her on longer walks than I normally do. She starts out not wanting to heel and halfway through, she is heeling walking like she is ready to be done!

I am chilling at the Mudhouse. I didn't think they would be open since it is Easter. I remember in the past them being closed. I was happy when I found out they were open. I figured they wouldn't be that busy and they are packed!


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