Saturday, April 19, 2008

Camp Scrap

I have been all excited about Camp Scrap! Then I woke up at 0430 on Friday morning with muscle aches, temp and chills. I took a couple of Advil and went back to bed. I woke up when the Advil wore off and too some more. I still went to Camp Scrap but it just wasn't as fun since I didn't feel good. I loaded up on Advil before going and was feeling okay till about 2200. The muscle aches were coming back and I just felt icky!!! I did learn some new things and enjoyed Camp Scrap and even won a prize!!! I got 8 cans of alphabet soup from k.i. memories, felt numbers and letters, and a date and number stamp! It was worth it even though I didn't feel good! I got home and took my temp. and it was 101.4!!! Yup, I am sick.

I really don't have time to be sick so I am hoping that I wake up feeling somewhat better. I have 5 chapters to read and study in my History correspondence class for an exam I am taking online Sunday. I can do it!!! I am determined to get this class done by the deadline to graduate!!

I am off to get some rest so I can wake up feeling better! At least I hope so.


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