Friday, March 26, 2010

Camera Club Competition


This is the photo I entered in the 1st quarter camera club competition. I took this photo in Eureka Springs at a nature shoot I went to. I had been anxious to here what the judges were going to say about my photo. I even had dreams (more like nightmares) about the results. I was glad when I finally got to here the results!

The judges said that the exposure was correct. The photo was lacking a focal point. I thought the bench/platform on the lake was my focal point. They said I should of had someone sit on the bench. I should have also played a little more with the composition. I ended up with a score of 231 out of 300.

There is many talented photographers and once I saw the other prints, I was in awwww!!! One guy took a macro shot of a spider in a flower. You could see the spiders eyes and little hairs! It was a great picture and even won a ribbon. It will be posted on the camera club site. As of the day I posted this, the 1st quarter winners weren't posted yet.

I am anxious to enter the 2nd quarter and see what the judges say. I am thinking of entering a picture I took of the Eiffel Tower. My Mom thought this picture was a postcard I had bought. I am also taking Picture Spring at Big Picture Scrapbooking to motivate me to take more pictures. I hope to have lots of great pictures to choose from!



janet said...

231 is not bad at all!! Congrats! eye went to the bench right away! Very pretty!

Joyce said...

Well....I think that photo is beautiful!!!