Monday, May 26, 2008

Feeling sleepy . . .

Phew!!! I stayed up till 0330 last night and woke up at 1030 and I feel sooo tired today!!! I can't seem to get much done. I try to lay down and Phoebe decides she wants to play. I don't blame her for being in the crate while I was sleeping. She is ready to go and I am ready to get a few more Zzzzzzz's!! Phoebe and I did take a little nap on the couch this morning. She is sooo adorable!!!!


Looking at this picture of Phoebe make me realize that she has grown!! Her collar is too big for her here and I had to make it a little bigger yesterday as it was starting to get a little snug! My baby is going to grow up way to fast!!!

I have some bad news though. I found out that I am allergic to dogs after all!!!! I was allergy tested for dogs over 10 years ago and it was negative. I have thought that getting a dog would be okay since I am not allergic. After getting Phoebe, I have been breaking out in a rash if I hold her for too long. It will go away after a while. I get allergy shots every week so I had a talk with the nurses at my allergy doctors. They told me that I could have developed an allergy to dogs since I was tested last. WHAT???? So, I was in last Friday and got test for dog allergy again and this time it did come up as a severe allergy!!! I had a huge bump on my arm from it. :-( The plan now is to add dogs to my serum to start helping with this new insane allergy I have gotten! I was upset as I thought I was finally going to have an animal I wasn't allergic too. Phoebe is staying as I am also allergic to my cats and I manage that pretty good.

Last night I got started on getting my garage cleaned. I still have a ways to go but have a good start. I just need to load my car off all this recycling I have and hopefully be able to make a trip later this week to dump it off. I am hoping to get everything out of the garage so I can bleach the floor. I can tell mice have been in there. I also worked last night to get my scrap table cleaned off but still need to have some major organization to my supplies!! I have the white cubes from Target put can't remember where I put stuff. I am going to work and getting the drawers labeled and more organized so I can find things. I also need to start using up the kits I have from kit clubs from way back!!

For the rest of the day I plan to work on getting recycling loaded and cleaning house. I hope to work more on the garage. I have been thinking about hanging out at the Mudhouse for awhile. Or I might have to go to the Coffee Ethic instead. I heard that they have frozen coffee drinks now!! The Coffee Ethic is connected to a branch of the public library. I need to return some books and even search for more books about pugs! I really want to read pugs for dummies book again. It might give me better ideas about my new pup!!

I hope that I can wake up more! :-)


Sunday, May 25, 2008

RN, BSN!!!!

Ohhh my!!! It has almost been 20 days since I blogged!! I am normally not this bad at blogging but I had a very busy end to my semester!!! Having a puppy has kept me busy also!


I am finally done with school and all graduated!! I am a proud owner of a purple tube! :-) I should receive my diploma in 4-6 weeks. I have been concerned as all my final grades were posted last week except my History correspondence course. On May 2 my instructor emailed me to let me know what I made in the course but it has never been posted to web advisor (where all our grades are posted). I finally called the school and on Friday got a reply that the instructor hadn't released my grade to be posted. They were going to send my instructor a reminder to do this. Of course it wasn't posted on Friday so maybe early this week it will be. I don't want my diploma to be delayed!!! I need it to get my raise at work. I am so glad that school is over for me. :-)

My puppy Phoebe is doing good! We had our first puppy class at PetSmart today! I am trying to train her to a clicker and I am to teach her to watch me - for up to 15 seconds. My puppy is so hyper she wasn't paying attention to me very well!!! The trainer had treats that she must have liked better than mine as she kept looking at the trainer instead of me! I am going to work with her on these items this week for class next week.

I have been soo tired with having a new puppy. I don't think I realized how much sleep I was going to miss with getting a puppy. I think I am adjusting fairly well as I have had her for 3 weeks now. We have been having snake appearances at my house. They are garden snakes but still I don't like it!!! Last Sunday I took up the landscaping fabric in my garden and underneath was a garden snake and it was striking at me!!! I got my shovel and took care of that one. Then the last few days I have seen three appearances which it might be the same snake. Poor Phoebe this morning wanted out but the snake was on the steps so I told Phoebe to wait in the laundry room. I was going to get the shovel and kill the snake!! It got away to fast so I went to get Phoebe and take her outside but poor puppy couldn't wait and went in the laundry room floor! I should have just went to the front door and then deal with the snake. One reason I have snakes is the wood pile from the ice storm. I have a neighbor that is wanted to take the wood and I think I am ready for him to help me!! That will hopefully decrease the snakes - except the house next door is now vacant with grass super tall and a small wood pile from the ice storm.

I have been out of school for one week now and have started getting my house more organized. It is going to take me awhile but I am excited about having things in a orderly fashion! I have been trying to do just a little bit everyday. I need to make a list of what I need to accomplish and mark it off as I go. That always makes me feel like I have done something!!

I am currently at the Mudhouse and it is strange just being able to do what I want to do on the computer. My computer usage has went down since I don't have to sit and do assignments all the time. Today I have been searching sites on loan repayment. One the school told us about is due June 30th. I need to hurry up on getting all the documents together!! It would be great if I could get some of my student loans paid for. :-) Every little bit will help. I have also had fun keeping caught up on the MB I enjoy.

I believe I need to get home to take care of my puppy and hopefully we have no more snake appearances!! I am thinking about getting started on cleaning my garage out. :-)


Thursday, May 08, 2008

One more week!!!

This time next week I will be done with school! I will only have my pinning and graduation to finish. I can handle that! I still have lots to do before then!! One announcement I need to make is about my History class. I HAD to have it completed before April 30th to graduate and I did it!!! It was a little rough doing a normal 16 week class in one month but I am proud to say I did it!!! I even made an 88%! Rock on!!! :-)

I have been a little nervous about my Capstone class. We have 3 huge papers to do which I have two done and only one more to do. When I turned in my first paper, I didn't feel as if I did it right. I was at school today and asking about getting announcements for our pinning ceremony and my instructor for Capstone happened to come to the desk. Since I had her in my presence I asked her some questions on the next paper. She was quite helpful and was glad to put a face with my name! Since it is an online class, we don't get to do that all the time. I just mentioned the first paper and that I struggled putting everything together. She looked at my paper on her computer and read some of the comments she wrote and told me that I did good. She didn't tell me my score but I feel better after her reading to me what she did. I left school today feeling better about the papers I have written. I am so ready for the stress of school to be over!


Ohhhhh, I almost forgot to talk about my newest addition, Phoebe! She is just a doll! The crate training is going okay. I can actually put her in her crate without her crying now. I have learned that as long has she has her play time, she doesn't mind going into the crate for a nap. The house training is going to take a while! I can't wait till I have more time to do more reading on house training.


Phoebe really likes the cats but the feeling isn't mutual! When she sees the cats, she gets in her pouncing position and just wags her little tail!! Then she chases them through the house! Of course, Chloe doesn't tolerate this and hisses and smackes. Phoebe doesn't understand that this means to get away! I have to keep an eye on her when she is out of her crate so she doesn't get injured.



Saturday, May 03, 2008

Phoebe is home!

Thursday after class, I went and picked up my pug puppy, Phoebe! She is quite adorable! She likes sleeping all curled up on my chest! So cute! I found a LOL cat pic that is appropriate for how my cats feel, I am sure! Chloe has hissed and smacked poor Phoebe and the look on Phoebe's pug face was funny when it happened! I scooped her up quickly so hopefully no damage could be done! Pandora and Felix have just been sniffing her and not really sure what to think.


Our first night was a little rough. I had only had two hours of sleep the night before and wanted to sleep soo bad! This was also Phoebe's first night without her litter mates so she cried a lot! I ended up putting her to bed with me and she was happy and feel asleep. I didn't get that much sleep and was exhausted the next day! I think each day has improved with the crate training.

I will post some pics soon!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Just a note . . .

I have been blogging but then saving it instead of publishing it. I was planning on adding pictures and even finish my post on CKC-St. Louis and never got around to it. I have mass published what I have been wanting to finish editing. I never did finish my post on CKC-St. Louis and hope to do that when I have more time. That might be after graduation! I have been busy and not blogging as much but hope to get back to normal blogging after this semester is over!


Phoebe is coming home!

Who is Phoebe you say? That is my new pug puppy!!! I should be asleep right now as I have to get up at 6am. I am excited about getting my puppy! I went after class tonight and bought a few items. Phoebe and I will go back to the pet store tomorrow to get food and anything else that we might think we need! I am nervous and excited about getting my puppy. I am nervous on the fact on I don't know how my cats are going to take to my puppy and also about house training!!! I wish dogs were like cats in house training. I have been given lots of tips on how to house train a dog. I just hope it goes smoothly!


Many stressful things are going on in my life! Getting sick didn't help me at all. I am much better but still have a cough but much improved. If I do too much, I do get a little short of breath. Then I had my printer die on my last Friday! I was getting ready to print a bunch of articles for school and my printer had froze up. No problem as this has happened before. I would just unplug it for awhile and then plug it back in. It somehow resets it and would print. Not last week! It has been dead! It won't do one thing when any buttons are pushed! My parents had a printer they weren't using so I went and borrowed it but I needed to get cartridges. While I was at Best Buy I learned that they don't have the cartridge I need. I took a look at the printers and saw the HP Photosmart C7280 and the guy told me that was a great printer and that it was on sale. It was normally a $300 printer but was for $179. After reading about it, I bought it! I have been in love with this printer ever since getting it. It is wireless so I can print from my laptop and desktop! It prints pictures fast! It also has individual colors! It also has the fax machine like my other one. But anyway, I can't wait till school is over as much of my stress will be greatly reduced.

I have been very stressed lately because of school. One thing that was really stressing me out was this History class. I had a deadline of April 30th to get this done. I accomplished it!!!! I took my last exam last night. I handed in a paper and I don't know my grade yet. I have been checking Blackboard OFTEN just to see if he has posted it. Nothing yet.

The next HUGE stresser is my Capstone class. That class is unbelieveable in what she is wanting us to accomplish in 4 weeks! I have three research papers due. One every Monday till the last week of school. I turned my first one in last Monday and it truly wasn't a good paper. I am so afraid of what kind of a grade I am going to get! I had been sick all last week and did the best I could with all the other assignments I had due. I had to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That left me with getting it done on Monday on little sleep. I had been doing a little bit everyday before/after work but I never really was able to get that much accomplished. After I got started on the paper and started thinking of it later, I don't feel like I did it correctly. I didn't do an article search as it was my own personal mission statement and career path. I talked about these items and then I noticed that you needed multiple outside sources. Poo!! I was afraid of History causing me the reason not to graduate but it might be Capstone!

Okay, I have complained enough about school. I do have lots more but I have to be at work by 0830 for a 3 hours class and then go to school. Then go to get my puppy! I have a full day ahead and possibly no sleep tomorrow with a new puppy! :-)
