Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Technical difficulties

Oh my! I have no idea what happened to my blog but I had to add a new template and I lost all my codes from the stuff I added!!!!!!! I had actually printed my HTML section of my blog a few months ago so I hope that I can get my codes from there!!!! I have been wanting to change my template but didn't want to because of losing my codes. I am still unsure what happened to cause this in the first place.

I have been trying to get a new cell phone from Cingular. I am upset with them currently. I went to there main store and told them my story and the guy wouldn't listen to me anymore just told me to call the 800 number. I tried to talk to him again and "You need to call the 800 #". So when I get home I call the 800 number and ended spending 1 hour and 10 minutes pleading my case (which I was on hold for at least 20 of those minutes). I had to replace my phone in April as I couldn't hear anybody unless I had the phone on speaker. They give me the same phone but a newer version. It is still happening - not as bad as my other phone had gotten but it was how it started. I don't want another motorola phone for that reason. I found out that since I did an exceptional upgrade that my first phone doesn't count and that I need to have another phone do the same thing then I can get another phone. This is bananas!!!!!! He suggested that I talk to customor service and they might be able to make an exception but when he transfered me to them they told me I needed to talk to the warranty people. ARGH!!!!! I have talked to 3 other people that have had this phone with the same problem but they tell me that they haven't had these phone come back for that so I am guessing they aren't keeping very good records! I have a feeling I am stuck with this phone. It really frustrates me that I was eligible for a *real* upgrade in November of 2006 and now I can't upgrade till Jan. 2008!!! I am going to keep at them as this is crazy. I should be able to have there service with a working phone. I am afraid to tell them I will cancel and go to another company as I am in a contract but then also I did that to Alltel and they didn't try to keep me! I wasn't in a contract with Alltel so it wasn't that big of a deal that they wouldn't give me what I wanted. They said if I was able to hold out for another year (or should I say if the phone will hold out for another year!) I could do an exceptional upgrade again. That was a little pricey I thought. I added my current phone - the blue/black flip phone and the phone I want - the orange phone.

Anyway, I am going to go do a little relaxing and maybe get my recycling ready for loading!

Just relaxin'

I have been a little quiet lately and I think it is mainly because of my night shift ways and being so tired all the time!!!!! Work has kept me a little busy and school has a little. This is the one week out of my summer class that I don't have a test. I am currently at the Mudhouse and went through my notes so I when I have class this week and get my study guide it won't take me as long to get things put together for my test next week.

I have been watering my garden trying to make it grow and this week I have big blooms on my cucumber plant!!!!! I am so excited about this!!!! I even have some that I never did plant and still in the small container with blooms! I think I need to transfer that one to a planter and see what happens. I have a rather small garden but it is enough for me to take care of. I have 2 tomato plants, a hot pepper and a green pepper plant, about 4 or 5 okra plants and then my cucumber plant which is getting kinda big for my little garden! I need to get a cage for it.

Last night I went to my LSS to a 4th of July paint can class. One of my scrapjammie friends that lives in my area told me about it so I signed up. It was fun getting to see her again! I am a little slow at these classes and I still need to finish mine! I was very close to being done but everyone else was done and shopping and here I was still working on mine. I am not sure how everyone works so fast! I think I try to make things to perfect sometimes and that slows me down. I can't help that!

I have a few things I would like to get done today. One of them is get the recycling loaded in my car. I currently have a bunch of recycling in the middle of my living room floor ready for me to tape up. Felix is loving the fact that I have extra "hiding" stops for him! He has enjoyed this as he darts from paper sack to paper sack pouncing on his other kitty friends! He cracks me up!

I hope to get my CJ that I have done. I have been having problems trying to get the journaling done. This particular CJ is called "desparate housewives" which is a fun book but for a single girl that has never been married is a little difficult to me. I have never watched the show expect for once and not sure who is who and what goes on in the show. Last night I was talking about this journal and I think I am going to write about trying to find a decent man! I hope to get this done today and get this sent on and then I need to figure out what others I need to get done for the CJ.

I better get busy so I can accomplish all that I want to today!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Just scrappin'

I stayed up last night to get this CJ done and I hope to get the other one done tonight and get them sent off to the next person! This particular layout is for the CJ "Dreams". I think if you click on the picture you can see it bigger. I used my scanner and stitched them and the colors are true to the actual page. I *think* that I might have one more layout to do for someone. I am not 100% sure on that though. I also need to send notices to people included in this CJ to ask if they would please make a two page layout and send to me since my journal is missing in action. That makes me sad as this is my first CJ and that my journal is not circulating. I hope to someday be able to participate in another and my journal actually make it around and back to me. I plan to wait till I am done with school before participating in another as school, working nights are keeping my schedule full. I have had these way to long but I had to put school first.

I am chilling at the Mudhouse and it is rather slow in here today. I have been working on getting my notes together to start studying for my test this week and then I have also been trying to figure out Photoshop elements. I have a classroom in a book but it starts out with basic stuff but haven't had time to get through it all and figure out how to do the cool stuff. It took me forever last night trying to figure out how to get rid of a date on the photo I included in my layout. I finally went back to my Microsoft digital image pro and did it in a matter of seconds there. I still haven't figured out how to do that in Photoshop but I am sure I will learn in time. I am not going to give up! I am glad I still have my other program that I understand so I can still alter photos till I can figure this out.

I have to say that my house has taken a downfall since I went back to school! I wish I had more time to keep up with things. I keep wanting to make me a plan on daily chores, weekly chores, etc. so I am not doing everything at once. That has been on my to-do list for quite some time. I also need a storage shed to store stuff. I have a one car garage that I park my car in plus all my outdoor, garden equipment. I need a tall ladder so I can clean my gutters out but then I have no where to store it if I did get me one. I had an older guy come by my house wanting to clean my gutters which I told him no but thanks for asking. But then he was on his bicycle!!!! How was he going to clean my gutters? Hmmm . . . . . I do have someone doing my yard every week but I am wondering if I should go to every two weeks. I have a hard time doing yard work because of my allergies and happy to have someone else doing my yard. Just random thoughts about my house . . . . . . . . can't wait till I can get back on track!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Saturday Blogger - 2peas challenge

here's a fun one..
Imagine yourself as a vegetarian.
What would be your most fave foods?????

It is easy to imagine myself as a vegetarian as I love eating that way! I haven't ate red meat in 12 years which started as a new years
resolution. I started one year with only eating red meat when I would go eat out and then the next year I stopped doing that and I have stuck with it! We have a vegetarian cafe here that I used to go to all the time but they have changed there hours and I can never seem to find them open. I eat veggie burgers, vegeterian sausage. At work they have veggie burgers in the cafe but they seldom have them on the night shift so I get left out. I get told that me and maybe 2 other people on the night shift will eat them. I love veggie sandwiches - esp. at Subway! Yum!!!! I enjoy most veggies and prefer them to be raw then cooked. I enjoy making vegetarian dishes every so often.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Things that I miss . . . . .

As I was getting ready to sit down and do a little bit of studying this morning I was thinking of things that I wish I had more time to do. This was all prompted when I went to sharpen a pencil which the pencil sharpner was sitting on a few books I would like to read but don't have time to do. I was really wishing that I could have the summer off from school so I can enjoy it more. I have to many prereq. to go and one was actually being offered once a week. I jumped on the oppurtunity to help get these done.

Here is a list of some of the things that I don't have as much time to do.
  • Reading books I want to read
  • Scrapbooking
  • Reading the magazines that I subscribe to plus the occasional magazine that I buy.
  • Having extra time to learn Photoshop and my pen tablet.
  • Spending time with my nieces. They are in summer school too and doesn't help this out either. No spending the night . . . . . . .
  • Just relaxing in the backyard
These are just a few things that I miss the most. All this is coming to mind as I am on vacation from work this week and I have this class hanging over me. I would have done some scrapbooking tonight if I didn't have to study. Having a test almost every week doesn't help. All of our assignments are due on the last day of class so I am trying to spread them out over the course of the 8 weeks and got one assignment done this week. I need to check out some concert stuff at the library. I wonder if they have that at the public library . . . . . I will have to check this out! I also have a research paper to write that I need to start the research and then I can start writing it. I suck at writing papers so I hope he grades easy on them! :-) Just felt the need to write this stuff down . . . . . . . .

Monday, June 12, 2006

Fun mail day!!!

I was quite excited when I got my mail today! I got all kinds of *good* mail! I got my Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooks and Shape magazines today. I also got a nice sized rebate back from Cingular! :-) Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to have to take my birthday money and my rebate and go shopping!!!!! Unsure exactly what I want to shop for so I need to give that some thought. This is the best mail day I have had in a long time! :-)

What makes summer special to you?

Since my nieces have gotten older, I have enjoyed summer so we can spend more time together! They are in summer school and so am I so we have to be creative in the time we do get to spend together! I love taken them to the fountain at Jordan Valley Park and we can run through the fountain! This Wednesday I mentioned that I was going to go to the art museum to work on some homework I had to do for class and they got all excited and wanted to go. So, after they get done with there swim lessons we are going to have some fun time together! They have been wanting to try out a ice cream parlor that is downtown so if we have time we will have to try it out! I also love summer because it is warm and you can be outside. Having BBQ's and hanging out by the pool (if we can find one!). In the evening, riding my bike and just being outside. I just wish I didn't have to work or go to school in the summer! It is putting a damper on my fun summer time I enjoy!

One of my cats, Chloe, has been sneezing a lot lately. Today I picked her up and she meowed at me and it wasn't her normal meow. It has me concerned that she might be getting a cold so I called the vets office and by my description they seem to think it is allergies but they would see her if I wanted. I decided to see how she does before taking her in. Her eyes aren't draining or she doesn't seem congested - except for the funny sounding meow. I have had her for 2 1/2 years and she has never had allergies or sneezing like this. I am just a concerned mother.

I am actually at the Mudhouse to study for my "Intro. to Music" test I have this week. I was really disappointed that we were having a test this week as I am off from work all week and my birthday is tomorrow and I don't want to study! I just want to relax and have some fun! :-)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Where have I been?

I don't know why I haven't been blogging that much lately. I have been out of school for the last 3 weeks and have hardely blogged. I did start my summer class last night so now that I am supposed to be doing other things I am blogging. I find my scrapbooking got back in full force after I decided to go back to school so why is it that when I have free time I can't seem to do the fun things I want and when I don't have the time and should be doing something else that is when I do the fun stuff? Hmmmm, things to ponder.

Well in my last post I had started planted some grass seed in my yard and I am excited to say that I have grass growing in the bald spots in my yard!!!! I just hope that it keeps growing!!!! The grass seed I spread around the rest of the yard isn't doing as well but I decided I will be happy with what I am getting and wait till September to try to fill in the rest. I was told that I am doing this to late in the year with the temps. being in the 90's but it was when I had time!

My summer class that I am taking is "Introduction to Music" and my teacher seems like a nice guy and has a good sense of humor. That made the 5 hours go much better! We are having a test every week except for one!!!! I need to be getting my study guide ready for my test next week. I also have concert reports (classical music only though), fine arts report and a research paper to do in this class. I don't think this class is going to be as bad as I thought. He gave us a study guide for our test and I need to get that filled out. It is mainly terms that he wants us to know and understand for the rest of the class. I hope while I am working this weekend I can put my study guide on my clipboard and take a peak at it when I can! I also need to be listening to the CD's that came with the book and I have to be able to identify what style the song is. We get extra credit for knowing the title and composer! I need to get memorizing all this stuff! I do believe this semester is going to be much better than last semester! :-)

CHALLENGE: Have you ever met any one famous? If not, who would you LOVE to meet?

I have to think about this a bit. I have gotten to meet Elsie Flannigan as she lives in my home town. :-) I have gotten to meet on of the bachelors - Aaron Bergee (not sure if I spelled that right!) I have even been in his loft here in my hometown. The day I got to meet him was in his bar/resturant when I was participating in hurry dating. I did also get to see Macy Gray in a free concert and I was very near the front row. She threw bottled water at the audience and I caught the first one!!!!!! I still have that bottle!!!! As soon as the show was over she left . . . . .