Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ready for Spring!!

It is cold and rainy today. The ice has melted off of the trees but there is a threat for 1/2 inch of ice again. *sigh* I did see some hope for some warmer weather starting Tuesday. At least temps in the 40's!! That will be much better than what we have been having.

I am sitting in the Mudhouse and it is packed!!! I wasn't able to get a table near a plug-in so my laptop will be dying in 30-45 minutes. I wish that laptops had better batteries. I was hoping to get a paper written and the study guide for Chapter 6 in American Government. I should be able to get part of it done here.

I was glad that in American Government last week I got an 80% on my quiz. Man! I find his multiple choice questions hard! I just hope to be able to get enought points in this class to graduate! I also need to seriously work on my History correspondence course. I barely have time to get my studying for my weekly classes. Phew! I really hate my work/school schedule as I normally don't get to do fun things that I would like.

I was happy to get my federal and state tax return back so I did a little shopping after work Saturday morning. I got me a couple of new Cricut cartiridges that was on sale at Michaels. I now have A walk in the garden and paper pups. I can't wait till I have some time to use them! I also got some water color pencils. I hope to have a day on my spring break to be creative!!!

I believe I should get busy before my laptop dies.

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