Friday, February 19, 2010

Celebrity Pug!!

A little over a year ago, I took Phoebe for a pet modeling session. The photographer was planning to take the pictures she got to sell as stock photography. I signed a release for her to do so. If she found out if Phoebe's pic was going to be used, she would notify me.


Wednesday before heading to work, I checked my email on my phone and had an email that Phoebe's picture from her pet modeling session was chosen for the cover of a book! I was soo excited! It is a book of inspiring stories about pugs. The book is still being developed but I am going to get one as soon as it is available. Check it out here!

I now call Phoebe a celebrity! :-) She is going to have to sign my book for me when I get it! :-)



janet said...

THAT IS SO EXCITING!!! She is going to be on the cover. So cool! Might have to get her autograph!! LOL! Congrats!

Amooretto said...

Once I buy this book I will need to get her pawprint! You know my Tallulah and I will be reading this book!

CONGRATS Phoebe! :)

Julie said...

congrats to Phoebe.....she is such a star. That is such exciting news