Monday, September 18, 2006

Trying to save the Sims

I have had the Sims2 game since it came out and have had to restart my game several times because of my old laptop and then I get a new laptop thinking I was safe and it crashed and had to be restored.

Since March when my new laptop had to have the motherboard and hardrive replaced, I haven't played my Sims. When I was at Best Buy with my sister, I saw the glamour life stuff pack and bought it and decided to try to get my Sims game back that I had saved before my computer had died. When I had tried once before to reinstall my saved game it messed up the whole program and I had to uninstall and reinstall it. A friend of mine was going to help me but we can't seem to get our schedules to match. I found a tech support phone number last night and called them today!

I learned from my phone conversation with the tech support that I had saved my game wrong. He stepped me through how to save it correctly in the future! I am excited about that! When I was talking to him I remember that I had all those DVD's of stuff that was on my old hardrive that Best Buy saved for me and he said I should get it to work with that! I was sooooo excited! I found those DVD's and found the files I needed and was copied them over. It was taking awhile so I took a shower and was all happy when I was taking my shower thinking about how my Sims might be back!

Well, after I got out of the shower I went to reopen my Sims game and it didn't work. I am a little confused on why it didn't work. I wonder since I had started playing it and had saved it that maybe it wasn't going to work. Not sure. I might have to call or maybe email tech support to see if this might be the issue but I might just start over and save it the way he told me to and hope that works! I really hope that I don't have to go through another computer crash! I want to be ready just in case!

I really don't have time to be playing games with school! I have even gotten myself addicted to this fish tycoon game on yahoo also! For some reason when I was sleeping last night almost all my fish died. Not sure what went wrong but I had 4 fish left.

I had better get back to my reading for class tonight! :-)

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