I have awesome news!!!!! Last night I decided I was going to check out what the loaner laptop would be at Best Buy. I haven't checked into this before now as I have had my other laptop but it is heavy, old and slow. I am soo glad that I did this time!
I had my geek squad paperwork with me that showed that I was approved to get a loaner and told the salesman my story on all the replacements my old laptop has been through. He had to keep checking with the manager because they had changed some things and I guess they used to give open items for loaners but they no longer sell open items. He came back and said that I could pick out any laptop they had for sale. I asked him if I could pick a loaner computer that I would most likely be able to keep when they decide my old laptop is a lemon. While he was talking to the manager, I was making a list of the features I remembered and was most important. They didn't have any laptops that matched my old laptop but he showed me one that they would most likely trade it out with and it would be a down grade of what I had. I was nice, but firm, that I don't want to settle for anything less than what my soon-to-be lemon laptop features had. He kept looking around and we saw another HP that was an upgraded version of what I had but told me it would be possible that when they did consider my laptop a lemon I might not get to keep it. I decided to go ahead and get it as my loaner computer and I was lucky that it was in stock.
We fill out some paperwork and he has to get the manager approval for me to have the loaner. He was talking to the manager for a while and he came back and told me that the manager has decided to make my old laptop that has been sent off to service a lemon!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! I didn't even have to ask! I was playing by their rules and trying to be patient. :-) They decided I could go ahead and get the upgraded laptop for the exchange! Another WOOHOOOO!!!!! I mentioned that I had upgraded the memory in my old laptop and would like to have at least equal memory in this computer. At first he wasn't going to since I had a better laptop but he talked to the manager and they are going to call the service center and have them send me back my 1GB of memory that I added. I was happy with that! I also bought a new service plan for the new computer - just in case! So far I have needed the service plans on both of my laptops. I
I have been working today on getting my computer back in order and hopefully I can get some homework done now that I have a working computer. I have to get it done tomorrow as my homework is due Monday! I still have to read the "Old Man and the Sea" before Monday which I also will have a quiz on too. Phew! I am ready for the semester to be over with!
I had better get something accomplished!
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