Saturday, November 11, 2006

The results are in . . . . . .

Chloe was voted the prettiest cat! That didn't come with some drama though . . . . I am glad that the drama is over! All because of my cat getting so many votes, they are changing how you vote. Other members thought that I was cheating because my cat had so many votes. All I did was spread the word that Chloe was in a photo contest. Nothing wrong with that. Her winning picture has been posted on the catspace website. Here is the picture:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I am a little behind in keeping up my blog this week. I have been enjoying the last days of my vacation and I have to go back to work tonight. I had made a list of things I wanted to accomplish when I was on vacation and I hardly got any of them done - except school related items. I am ready for the semester to be over so I can get caught up with housework and other things that I have neglected since school has been a little too busy.

I am getting rather sleepy so I will have to recap on my week later!

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