Friday, September 30, 2005

2 peas in a bucket

I signed up a long time ago on the 2 peas in a bucket website but never really went back to it. I was reading various blogs and then was linked back to 2 peas in a bucket website and was reading about a challenge about 10 weird things about yourself. I have been reading all kinds of blogs from various scrapers and there list. I thought I would make a list too and it is:

  1. I am allergic to cats and have 3 cats. (I didnt realize that I was allergic to cats till I had an allergy test done when I was 21 and I had a cat for 5 years already. My allergy doctor tells me I would be a new women if I would get rid of my cats but I am a huge cat lover and it isnt happening!)
  2. I havent ate red meat in 12 years. It started out as a new years resolution and it stuck! I went one year with only eating red meat if I was eating at a resturant and then the next year I quite eating red meat all together. The health studies say to eat less red meat . . .
  3. I would love to learn more than one language. I self taught myself some Spanish when I was preparing to go to Mexico, which I understood very little when I was in Mexico! I would also love to learn how to speak German.
  4. I check my email often when I am at home! I enjoy getting mail and email on a daily basis! (The mail is only fun if I get a magazine that I subscribe to or receive a card or letter from friends or family!)
  5. I wish that I lived closer to the ocean. I have asked my parents why I was born here and why did they stay in this boring town? I have a nice life here but it isnt close enough to the ocean!
  6. I love bicycling and would love to have the endurance to ride in the Tour De France like Lance Armstrong. Blow the crowd away!
  7. I would love to travel the world and see what different cultures are like, how they live and there daily routines.
  8. I really enjoy retro objects. I am hoping to decorate my extra bedroom with a retro feel to it! I found the perfect store that sell all retro furniture/objects downtown! :-)
  9. I love the outdoors and going on hiking adventures in parks with trails.
  10. I am a huge Macy Gray fan and I was lucky to be cruising the internet for things to do in St. Louis one day and found out she was putting on a FREE concert at the riverfront! I got to stand in the front row and caught a bottle of water she threw in the crowd!

I will have to start reading through the 2 peas in bucket message board more often to keep up with the new challenges that may be posted! I need to go to bed, another weird thing is that I am constantly sleep deprived!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Hissy kitty!

Pandora and Felix visit to the vet wasnt a welcoming one. I got the cat carriers out and everyone splits! They know that something is going down that they are going to like! We meowed all the way to the vet! Pandora did okay and let them do what they needed without much of a fight. Felix was ready for a fight! Felix is such a calm, loving kitty. When he had things stuck where they didnt belong that was it for him! We got the hardest part over with and then when the vet came in to do the examination he hissed and growled at everybody, even his mother! The vet told Felix not to bite the hand that feeds him! I thought that was good advice for my dear little Felix! At least he didnt try to bite or scratch. The psycho cat, Rambo, that lives at the vets office didnt make an appearance at the front desk. In June when I was taking Chloe to get groomed Rambo was rubbing all over me and sat down in the chair next to me. I reached over to pet him since he was being all loveable and he BITE ME!!!! I still have the scars on my arm! It swelled up and it hurt to move my hand the more it swelled. I went to the doctor that day and he put me on antibiotics. I have taken care of patients in the hospital with cat bites and they can get pretty nasty and I didnt want to be one of those patients. It healed up fine but I dont like Rambo! But anyway, Pandora and Felix was happy to be at home and I thought that they wouldnt pay attention to me the rest of the day but they have. They are probably thankful I didnt leave them there! :-)

Time flys when your having fun!

Last weekend went way to fast! Friday I ended up sleeping all day, just what I didnt want to do! I couldnt sleep at all Friday night cause of it! I only got a few hours of sleep Saturday morning. I finally got up and went to a new coffee house here in town and did a little research for my Microeconomics class. Then I went back home to get ready for a party at a friends house. I had a good time at my friends. We sat around and talked, played video games and played a card game. Then another friend and I went downtown and went dancing for the rest of the evening. I enjoyed myself and the company friends! Then Sunday I went to a loft walk on commercial street. I think that is the scary part of town and wouldnt want to live in a loft in the area of town! The people that live there say that it is safe - but then said they knew the cops that worked that area. To me, that isnt a good sign! I dont know the cops in the area I live in because so far I havent had any problems! They were very nice lofts. In a couple of weeks is another loft walk that is downtown. I cant wait to see that one! Then I finished up my work for Microeconomics and didnt understand my Stats homework to finish it. I couldnt believe when Sunday came cause I had to go back to work the next day! I didnt get any scrapbooking done like I was hoping! I did accomplish to bath 2 of my cats. They have appointments with the vet today for a yearly checkup and I want them to be gorgeous! Pandora and Felix has super soft fur now! They were mad at me for a while but they are over it know! Chloe always get professionaly groomed. Her hair is too long and I get it in tangles which makes for a grouchy cat! I always have my vet groom her at least once a year. I had her groomed in June this year and I have been able to keep up with her tangles. She finally enjoys being brushed since it doesnt cause pain without any knots! I hope I can keep her hair tangle free forever!

Last night was a get together with people from work at a new resaurant in town. I always enjoy going to those dinners! It started around 1630 and we were all talking and then I had to leave at 1845 to make it to class on time. Got to class and our instructor didnt grade our test from last week! Someone in class asked if he would post them on blackboard and he said no, you can see them next week! Whatever! I would really like to know how I did! We talked more about z-scores and I believe I understand it. I will find out if I really did understand it when I start the homework!

I called the extended warranty regarding my laptop and the key on my keyboard that doesnt work anymore and of course it doesnt cover it. I have yet to figure out why I bought this warranty. So far nothing that has happened to my computer has been covered! Anyway, I spent about 30 minutes on the phone talking to various tech people, some that didnt speak english very well, and found out that it was going to be at least $700 to repair the keyboard! I am looking for a new laptop! I have one picked out that I like at Best Buy so I am going to do more research on finding me a new laptop. I cant type papers in correct format for school without my apostrophe/quotation mark key! I hope I never spill water on my keyboard ever again!

I had better get something done today. Toodles!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Nightmares of statistics!!!

Oh my! I feel asleep around 2300 last night and woke up this morning around 0430 because I was having nightmares about my Statistics class!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I cant really remember what it was all about but I dont want anymore nightmares of my Statistics class! I am looking forward to being off this weekend from work. I shouldnt have that much homework to do so I should be able to feel caught up with everything and have a leisure weekend. I am going to a friends house Saturday night for a get together she is having. I am unsure what else I will do. I might have to scrapbook and put pictures with my scrapjammies kits that I have. I also have some other scrapbooking projects I would like to do. I have some clipboards to alter and I have some cool scrapbooking projects from another scrapbooking club I am in called sweetwater. I just hope that I dont accidently sleep the day away! I will have to make sure that I only sleep a few hours after work Friday so I can sleep that night and have a regular schedule this weekend. I think I might need to go back to bed as I do work tonight and need better sleep!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

z scores?

I was somewhat lost today in Statistics. I dont understand the purpose of some of the stuff I have been learning. I am sure there is a reason this is done but I just dont know what that reason is! We had a test today and I wont know how I did till next week. The anticipation!! I am really tired tonight as I worked last night and stayed up till 1000 this morning finishing up my Microeconomics quiz and discussion board stuff. I was sitting in class tonight feeling tired and hungry and I am sure that didnt help me understand z scores any better! I think I might go to bed and read a scrapbooking memories magazine I got at B&N the other night that I havent had time to look at yet.

Wishing for a 12 hour mandatory

Well, I am actually at work and taking a break. I brought my laptop to work tonight to get some school work done on my break. I am learning that you cant get that much done in 30 minutes! I am not sure if I will do this again. I was called about 1800 as I was getting ready to leave my house for work and I was told we only had 14 patients and it was my turn for a mandatory. I was excited cause I had didnt feel like I was done studying. I went and changed clothes and gathered my studies and went to Barnes and Noble to study. I actually got back home about 2100 and was going to type up some notes for me to study from. The phone rang at 2215 and work is telling me that I have to come in and they were going to float me to another floor. I wasnt very happy about this because I was told that I was getting a 12 hour mandatory and I hadnt even started studying for my Microeconomics quiz. I ended up not floating because it wasnt my turn but I had to come to work. That is why I brought my laptop so I could get things done. Oh well! It hasnt been that bad tonight even though the others nurses might not say that. I have everything done and I should be able to leave at 0700! I hope I can sleep fast this morning and wake up earlier to study for my quiz in Microeconomics and my test in Statistics. Crazy life of a nurse trying to earn her BSN!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Still studying . . . .

Well, my HTML code is broken and I dont know how to fix it! So maybe I will post that later if I can get it to work! Just trying to have a little fun with things I have found on the internet.

I have been trying to study and I feel a little bit better about my test in Statistics tomorrow. Microeconomics I need to do a quiz and would like to get all the study questions anwered first but I kept falling asleep last night trying to do that. I have to work tonight which is making my study time to short! I need to hurry up and get the discussion board done and study for the quiz. It is open book but would like to have an idea of the chapter before taking it! Yesterday while I was studying at the Mudhouse I spilled water on the keyboard of my laptop!!! Today everything seems fine but there are random times that the quotation mark key just gets stuck and when you try to type with that key nothing happens! Great! How am I going to type papers up when keys dont work? I wouldnt mind having a new laptop . . . . . but it isnt cost effective when this one still works fairly well. I had better get back to whatever I was doing!!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Studying till my brains ooz out

Or at least trying! I am missing the summer where my days off from work were relaxing. Know I have too much studying to do! I was wondering how taking two classes and working full-time nights was going to be. I know now and I am not sure I like it! If I had only one class it would be better, I think. I figured up if I continue taking two classes a semester that it will take me about 3 1/2 to 4 years to finish my BSN. Isn't that crazy? I wish I had the ambition to finish it sooner. Maybe I will get it later on. It isn't going to happen this semester! I am at the Mudhouse currently trying to study but I just can't get really into it. I keep looking up things on the internet. :-) I am supposed to be at a family reunion at the moment so I need to pack up my belongings and get a moving! I will have to return to the Mudhouse later and hopefully feel like studying. My allergies aren't helping me with this either, I can't breathe today. All the ragweed is getting to me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Busy girl . . .

I have been soo busy with work and school and trying to get enough sleep that I haven't made enough time to blog either! I need to be asleep at the moment as I have to get up early to finish my statistics homework and then go to class tonight. I finished my Microeconomics homework this morning and not very happy about the quiz I just took from Blackboard. It looks as if the class average was around the score I got but I studied! It is even open book! I did take a break from studying Sunday night and spent it scrapbooking for the circle journal I am in. I did a layout of my cats for a journal with the theme of "My Favorite Animal". Felix was trying to help me scrap it too! I am going to include the picture I took of the layout with this post. I really do think I need to get to bed so I can hopefully wake up in time to finish my homework! Later!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Days till my next vacation from work

I needed a countdown till my next vacation. It seems to far away too me. I have been taking vacation almost every 3 weeks so I can use up all my vacation before my anniversary date. I am going to be going to the Mudhouse today to study. I need to get going! Work and school has interfered with my posting on my blog lately. I will have to post again later.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Turkish Hackers???

What is a Turkish Hacker and why do they want to mess with a scrapbooking message board? Hmmmm . . . that has yet to be determined but they did manage for the scrapjammies message board to be totally wiped out! Scrapjammies scrapbooking club has gotten me back into scrapbooking and I am addicted! School and work are interfering in a BIG way on being able to scrapbook! I got me some clipboards at Wal-mart the other day and I am going to alter them! I can't wait till I have time to do all this! I had better get to bed! I worked all night and have work again tonight!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Lawnmowers suck

Well, I never made it to the Mudhouse today to study and still haven't sat down to study. One thing I did accomplish today is finally getting new contacts ordered and picking up my new stylish glasses! I will never wear my glasses out unless I am desperate! In the last 12 years that I have worn contacts I only had to wear my glasses once that I can recall. Just in case that I do, I want to look good! The guy at Lencrafters told me I looked good in my new glasses and that I had good taste. That made me feel good since I made the selection all on my own!

Another reason I never made it to the Mudhouse to study today is my yard. I have needed to mow for over a week now and this was the only day I could do it or it would be another week till I could get to it with my work/school schedule. Working nights and having yard work to do has been challenging, then I have to add school to make it more interesting! Anyway, my lawnmower is guzzling gas for some reason. I used to be able to mow my yard 1 1/2 times with one tank but now I can't even mow my lawn once. I got my front yard done and started on the backyard and my lawnmower died. I thought it was needing gas but it had gas in it. I went ahead and topped it off with more gas. It took me 30 minutes before I got the thing to start! I was able to get the front part of my backyard done -with my lawnmower making funny noises-and it died again and I couldn't get it to start and it was getting dark. A job that should have taken me 45 minutes was taking me twice that time! I never did get my yard done but it is done enough in the front yard for a couple of weeks so hopefully I can figure out what is wrong with my lawnmower in that time and mow the WHOLE yard! My lawnmower is only a year old and shouldn't be acting this way!! It had better straighten up!

I think I am going to put a movie in my laptop and do my homework at my kitchen table. Isn't technology wonderful?!?!?! Later . . . . .

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I have been a little busy lately with work and school. I have got soo much studying to do today! I went into work yesterday extra to help out so I didn't get my studying done! I am going to go hang out at the Mudhouse today and study. I seem to get more done when I am not at home! I embarrassed myself in class the other day. I was in Statistics class and we were going over the homework going around the room answering the study guide. We get to me and I get to answer 7-3 and for some reason I wrote 5 and realized that wasn't right after I said that! We all started laughing and the teacher looked at me! OHHHH!!!!! I wonder what I was doing when I did my homework? I have survived Statistics, so far. I have a test next week and need to get my homework done and then study for my test! I also need to finish my Microeconomics homework and take a quiz today. Felix is trying to get my attention! What a cutie! I had better get going so I can start studying!