I say it is unusual because I was up and dressed by 0815 and out the door by 0820! I had to have my cat Pandora at the vets before 0900 to get her teeth cleaned. Pandora wasn't very happy with me this morning since she wasn't allowed to eat or drink. Poor thing kept meowing at me, during the car ride and even at the vets! She was saying feed me!! My mom didn't!!! :-)
I thought since I was up that early, I would get a few errands done. I was really hoping to get my allergy shots but I had them check my temp. since my throat is red but not sore. I am also all stuffy. It was 99.9! I didn't really think I was running a temp. but I got sent away. I hope that this isn't the start of a sinus infection. I have some saline sinus lavage so I need to learn how to do this to see if it will help. Then I made a couple of other stops and back home. I still have more errands to run and got home and remembered! Oh well!
I am really enjoying my Gypsy!! I have been designing while in my warm cozy bed. Today I have been making cards from the Wild Card cartridge. My Cricut Expression is supposed to be delivered today and I am excited to try it out! I realized I was limited with my baby bug and the Wild Card cartridge. I can't wait to get it and finally cut my first full size card and envelope! My Grandma's birthday is next week so I hope to get her a card made with this cartridge.
Last night I went to Wal-mart to look at different sewing kits they have. You can make bags, aprons or PJ's. They have all the material & instructions you need so I thought I would try one. I finally choose an apron to try to make. I got a sewing machine for Christmas and have yet to figure out how to use it. I thought this would give me something to make! I just wonder what it will look like when I am done!
After Christmas, I had gotten this magazine called Stitch. It has some really cute things to sew! I have a little list of things I want to make. I hope if my apron goes well, I am going to buy some material and figure out how to sew from a pattern. I remember when I was a teenager, I decided to sew a dress for a doll. I ended up sewing the parts on crooked so it didn't look very good. I am sure with a little practice, I will do fine.
The swatches of material in the picture I had got to cut into hearts and sew onto a plain apron I have. I hope I get inspired to try all these things soon! One problem I have is a table big enough to set all this up on. Someday I am going to get my extra bedroom cleaned out and set up a table to do crafty things at!
I believe it is time for my yummy energy drink and hopefully the UPS man will be here soon! :-)
Jana, you have got some sewing to do! More like crafting. I can't wait to see what you make with your new sewing machine. (I have the same one!)
Your cat is so pretty!! Hope you are feeling ok. Have a good weekend and enjoy the sewing!!
cute kitty, Jana. i hope she is fed by now. ;) lol i keep eyeing that gypsy but doubt i will ever splurge. sounds like you have all kinds of gadgets to play with. have fun sewing!
Wow! Every time I turn around (or look at your blog), you are doing something new and crafty! Where do you find the energy :-) I guess the crafty bug has bitten you hard. Good luck with all your projects, and I hope to see pics of the finished products on here soon :-)
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