I never really fell asleep last night. I think I might have gotten 1-2 hours of sleep. With working the night shift, I can get my nights and days mixed up easily!!!! I made it with very little sleep to my test this morning. I got all checked in, my IV started and was shortly taken to the GI room to meet with the doctor and for him to perform my test. All went well and I didn't remember anything thanks to Versed. They gave me the option to not be sedated but I opted for the sedation. The doctor talked to my Mom and I have esophagitis, hiatal hernia and had some gastric polyps. He said that he would be writing a letter to my primary doctor and then I can hopefully get on some different medicine that will hopefully control my heartburn. I guess all of this was to prove to the insurance that I really do need something other than what they are allowing me to have. I just hope this process isn't to slow!
I got home and I was still quite light headed and dizzy from the medication. I had a little lunch and was planning to do things around the house but was so tired from not having much sleep and then the medication that I finally just went to bed and slept for about 5 hours. I am still tired but feeling better! When I woke up I went into my back yard and was playing around with my parents camera. I am having a hard time getting the focus thing down esp. when your subject moves! :-) I think this weekend when I am off from work, I am going to go the park and take pictures. I want to use up this roll to get it developed to see the pictures! I am so used to digital that this is bugging me!
I am off to get my house straightened up!