Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Photo fun

I have been playing around with my photoshop elements 5.0 program and enjoying a new feature in this version. I am able to make panoramic pictures with ease! I took a picture of Chloe while she was napping with the panoramic assist with my camera and then uploaded them to stitch them together. I love it! I have panoramic photo paper so I can print it out. It says it it 6 in. by 21 in. which isn't going to fit on my paper so I will have to play with that to see what to do.
I worked the weekend and I was in charge. It wasn't that bad except for a little disagreement with admitting. I had went to lunch and talked to another nurse that works on our sister floor about the disagreement and she agreed that I was correct and even told me that they had a private room for this patient that they were telling didn't need a private room. Thanks to my nurse friends on our sister unit, the patient got a private room which they needed. :-) I often think placing patients and getting admitting to understand why we make some of the decisions we make can be difficult.
I have gotten my syllabus for my summer class and oh my!!!! The announcement that is posted says that it should take us 10-15 hours a week to do the reading for this class!!! I have found my books online and I will hopefully have them soon so I might be able to get organized and get a jump start on things. In less than a year, I will be done! I just keep telling that to myself!

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