Saturday, May 05, 2007


I am excited about artfest on Walnut street today and a friend just called me and invited me to a Cinco De Mayo celebration! I need to be researching for my paper but thought that I needed to have some fun!

I had a fun time at the art walk last night and glad that my sister decided to go! It was a rather fun art walk this time. They blocked off a street and had art booths down the street. I even got to meet my *fav* local artist Kristi Mashburn! I just love her paintings and she is too cool!! It got dark too soon and some of my pictures didn't turn out till I decided to switch to the night mode and then I was able to take some night pictures.

Yesterday I stopped by a photo store here that sells cameras and looked at the digital SLR cameras. I am thinking about getting a Nikon D40 or D80. He was very helpful and gave me a book to read about Nikon cameras and even hightlighted some of the features in the different cameras for me! I can't wait till I have time to figure out all the features and decide which camera will be the best choice!

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