Friday, May 11, 2007

Extremely busy

I have been busy with trying to finish up with this semester. I have a huge paper to write this weekend, my journal to do and need to somehow fit in some study time for my College Algebra final. There is probably more but that is what is on my mind currently.

I have been tagged twice this week which I will have to do that after I am done with my crazy semester!

I am still having heartburn issues and getting real tired of it. I have had this heartburn for 3 weeks now. I still haven't heard from a scheduler to get my gastro done so I can hopefully figure out what to do next. I think they are going to let my esophagus erode away. I got an opportunity at work earlier this week to talk to a benefits specialist and told him my story about what has happened since our insurance won't let me have my medication. He told me he was going to turn that in to somebody in HR and see what can be done but yet the lady he was forwarding this too never gets back with anybody. I am not holding my breath.

I am going to be quite busy in the next week and might not get back on here till after school is out. I am excited about this semester being over and having a little break!!!!!!

1 comment:

~Ane~ said...

Good luck on all exams, paper etc!!!
You can do it!!