Friday, September 28, 2007

Unproductive day

I was in such a productive mood last night and did get things done for school that will benefit me time wise. I was really hoping to get up early and do my windshield survey. I didn't get to bed until 2am and finally got out of bed this morning at 11am! I was trying to have a leisure morning and then all of a sudden noticed the time and needed to get ready to take Pandora and Felix to the vet!

I had to be sneaky to get them into their cat carriers. I set them up in the garage and then went inside the house. Felix was outside the garage door and knew something was up!!! I was able to get ahold of him and get him in the carrier without to much difficulty. I finally found Pandora napping under the futon and got her all loaded up. Off we went! Pandora meowed the whole time!!! It is about a 20 minute drive of meowing!

Pandora does good, she does try to get away some but she is fairly calm about the situation. I guess except the meowing in the car! Felix starts growling in his car carrier when he realized where we were. Last year Felix hissed, smacked and growled. He was ready for a fight!!! They even got out these huge heavy duty gloves to hold him since he was misbehaving! This year, he just growled the whole time. He did much better! I do have to bring them back in three weeks for boosters to a new vaccine they received. I included a picture in this post of Felix after he had his rectal temp taken and we were waiting for the vet. It is a little blurry as he wouldn't stay still.

I got Pandora and Felix back home and it took a little longer than I had thought at the vets office. It was too late for me to go visit my community assessment sites. So, I just need to work on my interview questions and be ready to maybe visit one everyday after work next week. I will actually have all day Wednesday off to get more done if needed. I am looking forward to one clinical opportunity that I have next week which is touring the Federal Medical prision in the area. I have actually been there before when I was in LPN school but that was about 11 years ago! Our tour is to be for 2 hours! Yay! I want to see as much as I can!!!

I think my finger with the cyst is hurting from typing! I have noticed that the cyst has gotten bigger and my pinkie now looks pregnant compared to my other pinkie! I am soo ready to get something done about this. I should know what the game plan is in a couple of weeks. I remember when this bump first showed up in late August and I showed this one girl at work as I was concerned about it. She told me it was nothing and it would go away. I haven't seen her since that day and now to think this nothing might require surgery! YIKES!!!! I was really hoping she was right!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Feeling productive!

I have been trying to take advantage of it! I just got out my school books and planning to work on some of my homework! I actually feel awake so I had better take advantage of it! :-) I thought I would make an entry about my day before doing so!

I didn't go to bed till 2am last night and was planning to wake up a little early so work on my quiz questions for my Old Testament class today. I was too tired and quite unproductive this morning! I try to get to this class early because he post the questions to the next weeks quiz on the projector before and after class. I got there maybe 5 minutes early today so I had to stay after to get the rest of them. I was answering the questions for the quiz we were taking at the end of class during class! I hate it when I do that but have done that the last 3 weeks. I am going to do my best to not do that next week!

My instructor announced today that we will be having a mid-term and it would be more than what the quizzes have been. I am scared! I hope that he gives us some kind of study guide for the mid-term. He also has our term paper due that day of the mid-term!!! Big stress for me! Trying to get my Community Assessment stuff done, study for a mid-term and get a paper done is going to be rough! Through in a few night shifts, you have chaos! My goal for tomorrow is to figure out what minor prophet I am going to write about and get my resources!!! I have two weeks to get this done!!

After class today, I went and grabbed me some lunch and got my allergy shots then headed back to school. I have been trying to get this CD-ROM watched about Public Health Nursing that is for 4 hours of clinical time. I finally got it done!! I didn't know that we had a time limit of 2 hours to check out the CD. I have to write a paragraph or two about each lesson. I just took lots of notes while watching the videos and decided to do that later. It took me about 2 hours to watch all of it with taking all the notes! I am glad to have gotten that done. I am hoping to do my window survey tomorrow in the morning and evening at the 5 clinical sites I have chosen and maybe visit some of the centers to ask questions and maybe set up times that I could possibly shadow someone. I AM GOING TO GET THIS DONE!!! There are moments that I don't feel like I can but today, I have been feeling more positive about my community assessment.

After I got done at the library, I took my 40% coupon to Michael's and got me a CD from Creating Keepsakes - The heritage, Vintage and Retro collection which has fonts and clip art! I am looking forward to loading it on my computer! Then I stopped to get me a frozen coffee drink and then headed home to make dinner and watch Grey's Anatomy!

Tomorrow I am taking two of my cats, Pandora and Felix, for their yearly check-ups. Felix always misbehaves as he hisses, smacks and growls at everybody. They get out the heavy duty gloves to deal with him! Pandora doesn't like it but she doesn't act up like her friend does. I hope everything goes okay tomorrow!

I guess I have rambled enough! I had better get some of this homework done before the moment passes!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tired . . . .

I have worked the last couple of days and have a night off. Yay! I didn't sleep much during the day as I had hoped so I am feeling tired. I was waiting on phone calls from doctors about this cyst on my hand. The NSAID he gave me I believe has helped with the pain but I feel like it has gotten a little bigger and is starting to hurt even with the medicine. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks with a hand specialist to see what he says about this cyst. I was glad that I was able to get in as soon as I did.

Work was good on Monday night. I was able to get my stuff done and leave on time. Tuesday night, I kept having to spend most of my time with one patient when I first got to work and had a couple things to get finished for the day nurse. I was also getting a new patient and was trying to send one home. The patient that was supposed to go home ended up staying because we needed the doctor to call and it was dark when he returned the call. They didn't feel comfortable driving after dark. It just seemed like after I got all these things done, more things kept coming up and I just didn't have time to sit down and chart. I decided to start passing my medications at 0500 to hopefully get done early and chart. It didn't happen as my patients needed some extra TLC! Before I knew it, it was ready to give report. I was glad to finally get to sit down and chart.

School is keeping me too busy. I am hoping after class tomorrow to get this CD-ROM completed that is for 4 clinical hours for my Community Health class. I am hoping to start on this window survey tomorrow for my community assessment and then figure out what questions I need to ask the different areas I have chosen so I can get started getting my binder together. Tonight, I need to work on answering questions for my quiz tomorrow in Old Testament. I never do very good on getting things done when I am tired! The last few weeks I have been answering them in class while he lectures and still have time to study them. I would prefer to have them done before class.

I think I might chill downstairs and try to get ready for my class tomorrow and hopefully getting a few more hours of sleep before class. That would be nice! I also need to do some laundry. Yuck!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

C-street fun

I have been enjoying the loft walk this afternoon. I was wondering if I was going to make it as I have been just wanting to nap today! When I decide to lay down, all the cats curl up next to me. They love their mommy! :-) I finally got my but in gear and realized that I hadn't had my energy drink for the day. That is what I needed!

I love how people decorate their lofts. I need someone to come help me decorate my house. My walls are still bare and just haven't done much. I hope when I get more time, that I can do some decorating! I think that will be after I graduate! :-) I have also gotten a small workout from walking all the stairs!

I am at a new hang out today. I am at a coffee shop called Big Momma's. I had started out here, had a smoothie and then left to go to the Mudhouse. The Mudhouse was packed!!! There weren't any empty tables so I decided to come back to Big Momma's and hang out here instead. It is quiet and peaceful here.

I still have quite a bit to do with my to do list. I never finished all of my goals from last weekend either. As long as I get my Community Health journal and the online exam done as they are due at noon on Monday. I am guessing the yard work is not going to get done either! Maybe on Wednesday. I just don't want my grass to get super tall as it is harder to mow like that.

I am starting to feel tired again! I need to snap out of it and get this online exam done!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Peaceful morning . . . .

I have been just enjoying the morning, listening to music and the cats have been hanging out with me. I love mornings that I can wake up and just get ready at my own pace. Loving the fact that I have no appointments, just studying to do today. I do need to buy me a ticket to the C-street loft walk that is tomorrow! I will have to remember to bring my camera to takes pictures of this historic neighborhood. I wish I could take pictures of the lofts and the awesome decor that these people have. Rules . . .

Okay, I need to write up some goals. Some of them will be the same from last weekend as I didn't got them all accomplished.


  1. Write up questions to start interviewing the sites I have chosen. I believe I have a better understanding on what I am doing after having class last week. At least I hope!!

  2. Start working on getting information typed up that I have gathered so far for my data collection part of my assessment.

  3. Get the journal entries completed that is due next Monday. DONE!

  4. Finish studying for online exam in Community Health that is due Monday. DONE!

  5. See what research I can find on the internet for my Community Assessment.

  6. Read the next chapters for Old Testament and answer questions for Quiz 5.

  7. Decide which prophet to write my research paper on and get started on it!!!!


  1. Go to Lowe's to find a better mask to wear while mowing the yard.

  2. Mow the yard.

  3. Lopper the weeds around the fence.

  4. Clean around the house.

  5. Continue on working on bonus room and organizing scrap stuff.


  1. Get tickets today for loft walk. DONE!

  2. Hang out at the Mudhouse and get some studying done, hopefully. DONE!

  3. Work on photos for challenge on TSC. DONE!

  4. Scrapbook?? Not sure I will have time for that but it is always a good thought!

  5. Order Design Premium! Ponder some more about upgrading my Microsoft software.

  6. Hang out at Barnes & Noble and/or Borders. DONE!
  7. Search the internet for beads! Esp. big crystal stars!

Okay, I think that I need to get in the shower so I can get started on this list. :-)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Upgrade or not

I still have Microsoft Word/Excel/Powerpoint/Outlook 2003 on my computer. I was playing around with the new version at school the other day and it has a feature that would help me put my papers in APA format. Then I was also wanting to work on some homework at the computer lab and save it to my jump drive and realized before doing so that I wouldn't be able to bring it up on my computer with the old version. That has started me wondering if I should upgrade.

I go to Best Buy today and talked to someone about the upgrade. The new student/teacher edition doesn't come with Outlook and it included OneNote. I have used onenote before but when my free trial expired I didn't want to spend the $60 to get it. I was told that I would have to uninstall my previous edition and load the new edition. In this process, I would loose Outlook. I used to use Outlook a lot more than I do now so I guess loosing it wouldn't be too bad. I still want to have the option to use it if I wanted. I ended up leaving to ponder on this a little more before making the purchase.

I am finally ready to make a purchase Design Premium which includes Photoshop CS3. I still have lots to learn with PSE but want be able to learn all the neat stuff you can do on photoshop that PSE doesn't let you do. I need to get this before graduating as I can get it at quite a discount. I am hoping to get my documents emailed to prove I am a student and then order some software that I can enjoy!

I came home and have started cleaning my bonus room. I would like to get things a little more organized up here but haven't had enough time to do so. I still don't have that much time though! I am starting to feel a little tired. I am hoping to write up some goals for myself again for the weekend. That will have to happen in the morning!!

Things that make you go hmmmm . . . . .

About 3 weeks ago, I had this little bump show up on my left pinkie finger, on the back near a joint. I at first wondered about it but didn't get to concerned. It has gotten bigger and started causing me constant, aching pain. It sometimes goes down into the palm of my hand. It had also gotten bigger. I finally called and made an appointment with my doctor earlier this week.

My doctor was booked so they got me in with his PA. He looked at it, press around on it and decided I needed some x-rays of my hand to make sure it was a ganglion cyst and not a bone spur. It turned out to be a ganglion cyst and he gave me a hand out on what a ganglion cyst is. He prescribed Mobic, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), to hopefully help with the pain and to see if it makes it decrease in size. He did tell me that this usually doesn't work but wanted to try just in case it did. If it isn't better in a week, he is going to refer me to a hand specialist. There is not telling how long that will take!

I went to the pharmacy to get my prescrition filled and they always give you a handout on the medication. I saw that the serious side effects were heart attack, stroke, and serious stomach problems and this medicine should only be taken for a short time. He only gave me 15 days worth so I am on it for a short time. What makes me wonder is that Vioxx was taken off of the market for having side effects of heart attack and stroke so makes me wonder how this medicine is still on the market. Maybe the chances were higher with Vioxx? Hmmm . . . . .

All the literature and websites I have read about ganglion cyst say they are unsure what causes them. That even if you have them removed, they may come back. I have been on this medicine for three days which it has decreased the pain, it still is the same size! We will have to see what happens. Maybe I injured my finger with typing to much for school! He He!!! Which reminds me that I need to type up my quiz for next week in Old Testament!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Crazy allergies!!!!

Right now is the worst season for me for my allergies. Last night I started with the sneezing, stuffy, runny nose and watery eyes. I woke up this morning hoping to feel better but was about the same. I had to go to school for 8 hours feeling all icky. Bummer!!! I somehow survived! :-)

I start my day with my Old Testament class. This instructor has been getting done with his lecture early and have been letting us out about an hour early. Today he started the class with that he was told that he wasn't supposed to let us out that early. We weren't really taking to breaks before so know we get 3, 10 minute breaks and we got out about 30 minutes later. I am unsure what the problem was as I enjoyed being able to get out a little early. Esp. if I worked that night!

Then I had Community Health and I got signed up for more clinical opportunities. I told my instructor that I was afraid of not getting enough hours but she told me I was doing fine as I was signing up for a lot of the opportunities being offered. I need to get this community assessment put together and get more info to do so. I am still a little confused on some of the data collection and she tried to help me with that tonight. I am sure I will be emailing her with questions again!

I can't breathe through my nose at all! I really hate allergy season - which is all the time for me but it has been worse this fall. Ragweed is my biggest allergy and there must be lots of it out this year! I think I need to get some rest so I can wake up and tackle some school projects. I need to make me more goals!! I still haven't finished all the goals that I made over the weekend . . .

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A little chilly . . . .

I didn't realize how chilly it was yesterday till I arrived at Cider days. I ended up meeting someone that I used to see workout with my old personal trainer. He was working a booth and he still works out with my old personal trainer. It was nice to catch up with him. I also ran into my sisters boyfriends brother. He has a ton of brothers but this one lives locally so I kinda know him.

I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I would. I fell in love with this necklace at one of the booth's that had a big crystal star. It was beautiful! It was too short for my neck but she said she could make it longer but then I wasn't sure where I would actually wear it! Soo, I noticed another necklace that had a bicycle charm on it. I ended up getting it! It was a little longer but still needed to be longer so she is sending me an extender. I can't wait to get the extender so I can wear my new necklace! I will have to look around the internet to see if I can find me a crystal star like that one!

My next booth ended up being the Red Velvet Art booth that Elsie and her sister were at. She had some cute stuff! I ended up getting a journal that Rachel had made that had birds on it. Too cute!!! She had prints from her etsy store there also which I already had one and had ordered one. She hadn't gotten the print mailed out that I had ordered so she gave me the one that I had ordered. I need to get me a frame now! :-)

It had started to rain so I ended up looking at the next booths very quickly. Plus I had run out of money! Soo, I got back to my car and called my sister as we were to be heading out to my company picnic.

By the time we got to the picnic, it had stopped raining but it was kind cold! We enjoyed lunch and then played some games. Shilo won a sack race and she gave me the flowers. I am going to put that in my front planter outside. I ended up winning a 2L bottle of Coke as I had a picture of my cat(s) on my cell phone. I showed them a picture of Chloe. I ended up giving the Coke to my sister as I don't like regular pop. It was a fun time!

I got home and was going to do some school work and watch movies but I fell asleep instead! I have lots to do today plus I am attending a family reunion today! I have gotta work on my goals I set yesterday!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fun weekend

I am looking forward to Cider days this weekend and the company I work for is having a picnic. The company I work for has thousands of employees! Soo, it is always a huge and fun event. My nieces love it as they have fun kids stuff there. It is all free! It's great!

I love looking at the art at Cider days and Elsie Flannigan and her sister are going to have a booth this year. I have to check it out! I am wondering what else I can find there today! I ended up missing it last year for some reason. I have gotten myself on a *normal* sleep schedule. I ended up going to bed about 2200 and woke up at 0700 this morning! After some breakfast and my energy drink, I will be good to go!!!

Then on Sunday we have an annual family reunion at a local park. I always enjoy the family reunion which is family from my Mom's side. This is actually my weekend to work and had to request off so I could go. I will have to bring my camera! I will have to work on a scrapbook of the family reunion and write up my family tree - with my Mom's help!

I have been stressed as my teacher hasn't responded to my email yet. She sent out a generic type email to the whole class a couple of hours after I had sent my email. That makes me think that she had read it. I hope that she does get back with me today or I might have to wait till Monday also. *Sigh*

With the new schedule that came out at work, I am a couple of days I really need off. I will be at the school all day and then have to work all night. I need to take advantage of as much clinical stuff as I can! It would be soo much easier if I would be able to be assigned one area, do my paper on that instead of all these one hour here, two hour there stuff. It takes a long time to get up to 45 hours when you are doing it that way. Again, I hate school! It is a stress that I could do without.

My goals this weekend for school:
  1. Do as much research on the internet about the sites I have chosen for my community assessment and to get a binder for all my information.
  2. Write up questions to start interviewing the sites I have chosen.
  3. Read and journal on my reading that is due for Community Health.
  4. Read the chapters for the quiz for Old Testament.
  5. Answer the questions that was given in class for the quiz in Old Testament.
  6. Decide which prophet to write my research paper on and get started on it!!!!

I believe that is all I need to get accomplished this weekend along with all my fun activities!

The pic I included today is a picture of the snake. You can see my loopers in the background connected to the snake. I was afraid to take them off as I didn't want the snake slithering away . . . I hate snakes!!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Brave day!

This morning around 0900, I decided to finish mowing my yard since I didn't get to that last night. It was nice a cool outside so the weather was good! I got started and my lawnmower kept dying because the grass was kinda tall in my backyard. At one point when I was restarting my lawnmower, the handle to start my lawnmower came loose from its holding place and I couldn't get it to move. I go inside and outside a few times and noticed snake skin on my back porch. I always thought I was safe up there as I was up off the ground. I had went inside again to get my cordless phone to call my dad to see if he could help me with my lawnmower over the phone. As I walk back outside, I saw a snake all curled up in my bamboo lamp that was leaning against the railing near my back door!!!!!

My heart was pounding!!! The only door I had unlocked was near the snake. I kept looking around to find something to kill the snake with but I had moved everything into my garage. That meant I had to walk by the snake again to go inside to get my loopers! Before doing that, I called my parents and talked to my Dad. He wasn't able to help me over the phone with my lawnmower problem but said he could be over within an hour. So in the mean time, I got brave enough to go inside and get my loopers. I was able to get ahold of the snake just right and looper it! It was a scary moment but a very brave one!!!! I have been a little jumpy since seeing the snake today! I hope that I don't see anymore . . . . I will post pics later!

My Dad made it over and we somehow got my lawnmower running again. I finished mowing my lawn and my Dad worked on my wood pile that had fallen over. My yard looks so much better! I actually need to mow my front lawn again since it has been almost a week. The rain this year hasn't helped me with keeping up with the mowing.

I had emailed my instructor for my Community Health class asking some questions on my community assessment. I haven't heard back from her. :-( This class has got me on edge trying to complete the clinical hours. :-/ Only 8 more weeks left of this class!

I am at the Mudhouse to get some studying done. I went and bought a new wireless mouse today. This one keeps the usb receiver in the base of the mouse so I hopefully won't accidently bend this one!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Stressful moments to come . . .

This morning, I was content after having 17 hours of sleep. I woke up and felt better and ready to tackle my class at noon. While I was getting ready for class, I was excited as my books that according to was to be delivered on Friday came today! I didn't have time to look at the books as I need to get ready for class. I kept thinking about them when I was sitting in class!

The books I got was: The Prima Game Guide to Sims 2 Bon Voyage expansion pack! I am excited to learn some tricks to this new addition to my game. The other book was, "We dare you: scrapbook challenges about real life". I am looking forward to when I have some time tonight to look through my new books.

After class today, I got my allergy shots and then went to Borders for some frozen coffee. Then I came home to do some things I need to do around the house and to do some yard work. I have gotten as far has checking the email, reading my MB and decided to see if the new schedule was out at work. Then I got mad at the schedule.

I am quite upset with how the schedule is because they have taken me off my every other weekend and have me working more during the week. I never thought they would do this so never said that I needed to work my weekends because of school. So now that the schedule is published, they have me working every other day and I don't have a full day - that I will be awake - to work on my clinical hours for my community assessment. It seems like that every clinical that my instructor has posted so far, I am working. I have got to come up with something to get these clinical hours in so I can complete this class. So tonight I was going to review the requirements for this assignment and start working on it tomorrow. It is due Oct. 18 and I have 4 days that I will me awake during the day till this assignment is due. This doesn't give me much time to get this done. I hate school!!!!!!! I also hate having to work full-time nights while going to school.

This day has ended on a sour note. I just hope that I can get something figured out tonight and it won't be as bad as it seems at the moment.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Productive day

I woke up around 10 a.m. this morning and felt awake! This is the second day of feeling awake! It must be my energy drinks! I had run out and finally ordered some more and have had one yesterday and one today! All those vitamins must be doing me some good!

I decided to make me my eggbeater pizza on pita bread. A good healthy start to the day! As soon as I got done with breakfast, I decided to go ahead and take my online exam in community health. Felix had to lay all over my book and I fought with him the entire time I was taking the test but I got it done! I only missed 4 questions out of 50. Not bad! This teacher doesn't seem to be trying to trick us. The last two classes I have had, the teachers were wording things in a tricky way. I feel better about her exams after taking the first one.

Other things I need to get accomplished today is an internet scavenger hunt for my community health class. I had kinda forgotten about this and it is due Monday at noon. Yikes! It doesn't look hard. I just hope it goes smoothly! I also need to work on my next quiz in Old Testament. He has made out third quiz matching and I have found this a little challenging the way he is wording things. I hope to at least get a big dent put into this and finish it up on Wednesday night as the quiz is on Thursday! If I can get this done, I am hoping to do a little scrapbooking! I am not sure I will get to that before falling asleep though!

The weather has been better today with no rain. I am hoping to get my yard mowed today too. I am tired of my jungle of a yard. I am sure the neighbors are beginning to wonder too! I also need to do some cleaning, esp. the kitchen!

Yesterday when I got to the Mudhouse and was setting my laptop up I wasn't able to get my wireless mouse usb transmitter to fit in a usb port. I looked at it and noticed that it has gotten bent! I always put it in the front pocket of my bag so it must have gotten banged on something! With all my books, I can see how it had gotten bent. Soooo, I might need to get a new wireless mouse or see if I can just get a new transmitter. I am not fond of the mouse pad that is on my laptop. It is too sensitive. I will be using it till I can figure out what to do.

I am off on a internet scavenger hunt!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Rainy, calm weekend

It has been raining since Wednesday! So crazy! This evening, it has finally cleared off. I really hope it doesn't rain anymore this weekend so I can get some yard work done! My yard is starting to look like a jungle . . . .

I have been loving the new EP for the Sims 2 Bon Voyage. I love to get the prima guide that goes with each EP but for some reason, no one has it in stock. After making a few phone calls and not finding it, I finally just ordered it online. I even got it cheaper than I could have in the store so it is all good! I can't wait to get it to find out some of the stuff I might have not realized yet.

I have been studying this afternoon at the Mudhouse. I have accomplished to get my week 3 journal entry done! I tend to wait till the last minute to get these done and I am actually up-to-date! :-) I have a lot of reading to do and I have an online exam to take. I had forgotten about an assignment that is due on Monday. Phew! I have too much to do and would like to have a weekend that I don't have to study this much. I am glad that I feel awake and not too sleepy. I might actually get something accomplished this weekend.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Swimming cats?

I was doing a little blog searching tonight and found this! A lady that teaches her cats to swim! I don't think my cats would go for it. Click here for a picture of a cat swimming!


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Finally, hopefully, something good!

I had a wild and crazy weekend at work. I thought things were supposed to get slower over the holiday. At least it didn't happen this holiday!

I was attempting to finish some last minute charting when my GI doctor sat down across from me. He asked me how I was doing and I just mentioned to him that my doctor was sending me back to his office again. I told him that I wasn't able to get in till Oct. 30th and he told me that he would try to get me in sooner than that! I am not sure if he will be able to do anything for me but if he is, I hope that he is able to get me in sooner!

I need to get some sleep after this wild and crazy weekend.