Friday, September 21, 2007

Upgrade or not

I still have Microsoft Word/Excel/Powerpoint/Outlook 2003 on my computer. I was playing around with the new version at school the other day and it has a feature that would help me put my papers in APA format. Then I was also wanting to work on some homework at the computer lab and save it to my jump drive and realized before doing so that I wouldn't be able to bring it up on my computer with the old version. That has started me wondering if I should upgrade.

I go to Best Buy today and talked to someone about the upgrade. The new student/teacher edition doesn't come with Outlook and it included OneNote. I have used onenote before but when my free trial expired I didn't want to spend the $60 to get it. I was told that I would have to uninstall my previous edition and load the new edition. In this process, I would loose Outlook. I used to use Outlook a lot more than I do now so I guess loosing it wouldn't be too bad. I still want to have the option to use it if I wanted. I ended up leaving to ponder on this a little more before making the purchase.

I am finally ready to make a purchase Design Premium which includes Photoshop CS3. I still have lots to learn with PSE but want be able to learn all the neat stuff you can do on photoshop that PSE doesn't let you do. I need to get this before graduating as I can get it at quite a discount. I am hoping to get my documents emailed to prove I am a student and then order some software that I can enjoy!

I came home and have started cleaning my bonus room. I would like to get things a little more organized up here but haven't had enough time to do so. I still don't have that much time though! I am starting to feel a little tired. I am hoping to write up some goals for myself again for the weekend. That will have to happen in the morning!!

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