Friday, January 25, 2008

Yup, it is school . . . .

I have realized that school is the reason for all my strange sleeping schedules. I had to get up early to go to class yesterday and had a bunch of errands after class. By the time I got home, I was tired!! I fell asleep and then woke up at 1 am. I have been up ever since. I am hoping to go back to bed soon. I do work tonight so it should actually help me with staying awake at work but I have all this homework to do and I can't stay awake!

My New Testament class was what I expected since I have the same instructor as last year. I get to class early and found out where my class was and the door was locked. There was 4 of us wondering what was going on and where everyone else was. We had decided to go ask. On the way I saw another list of where classes are and they had changed the room but it wasn't changed on the list at the door. I walk into class later than I was hoping and had to take whatever seat was available. I really wanted to sit where I was last semester so we will see if I might be able to get a different seat next week.

I have been a little frazzled tonight of my work schedule. I am glad that it is finally posted BUT they did to me what I didn't want. I work Mon, Tues, Fri for a few weeks. I have school on Wednesday and Thursday. That leaves me very little time to be awake during the day and get things done. I can't wait to graduate so these issues won't be an issue anymore. I say I need to work my every other weekend and then they take me off them. I have always dreamed of being just a student but that will never happen.

I really think I am going to sign up for the photography class. It isn't for credit and it would be a fun break for regular studying. I have lots to get accomplished this weekend for school. I have got to figure out a gameplan to get my history correspondence class done. I am off to work on some homework and then get some sleep!

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