Sunday, September 16, 2007

A little chilly . . . .

I didn't realize how chilly it was yesterday till I arrived at Cider days. I ended up meeting someone that I used to see workout with my old personal trainer. He was working a booth and he still works out with my old personal trainer. It was nice to catch up with him. I also ran into my sisters boyfriends brother. He has a ton of brothers but this one lives locally so I kinda know him.

I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I would. I fell in love with this necklace at one of the booth's that had a big crystal star. It was beautiful! It was too short for my neck but she said she could make it longer but then I wasn't sure where I would actually wear it! Soo, I noticed another necklace that had a bicycle charm on it. I ended up getting it! It was a little longer but still needed to be longer so she is sending me an extender. I can't wait to get the extender so I can wear my new necklace! I will have to look around the internet to see if I can find me a crystal star like that one!

My next booth ended up being the Red Velvet Art booth that Elsie and her sister were at. She had some cute stuff! I ended up getting a journal that Rachel had made that had birds on it. Too cute!!! She had prints from her etsy store there also which I already had one and had ordered one. She hadn't gotten the print mailed out that I had ordered so she gave me the one that I had ordered. I need to get me a frame now! :-)

It had started to rain so I ended up looking at the next booths very quickly. Plus I had run out of money! Soo, I got back to my car and called my sister as we were to be heading out to my company picnic.

By the time we got to the picnic, it had stopped raining but it was kind cold! We enjoyed lunch and then played some games. Shilo won a sack race and she gave me the flowers. I am going to put that in my front planter outside. I ended up winning a 2L bottle of Coke as I had a picture of my cat(s) on my cell phone. I showed them a picture of Chloe. I ended up giving the Coke to my sister as I don't like regular pop. It was a fun time!

I got home and was going to do some school work and watch movies but I fell asleep instead! I have lots to do today plus I am attending a family reunion today! I have gotta work on my goals I set yesterday!

1 comment:

~Ane~ said...

I would have loved seeing some pictures from the cider day... did you take any - Flickr????