Sunday, April 22, 2007

Just chillin'

I have just relaxed this weekend and it has been great! This week I need to start my research and figure out what else I need to get done for my classes. Today I got my back porch cleaned. My furniture is starting to show weathering because I don't have a place to store it during the winter months. I need a storage shed! I can fit my car in my garage and then I have my bike, yard tools, lawnmower, weedeater and it barely fits! Maybe someday I can get me a storage building. I am going to restain my chairs and redo the finish on my table to give them an uplifted look!

I have been working on getting my desk area organized and reorganizing my scrapbooking stuff in my bonus room. It has gotten messy up here with packing for the crop and I have my old desktop and boxes that I need to take care of. I need to clean out the little closest and try to get a rack to give me a little more storage space.

I think the rest of the evening is going to be watching HGTV, organizing my bonus room and then doing some photo editing for the layouts I did at camp scrap the other night. I have to go back to work tomorrow do I can stay up all night and sleep all day!! I might make it to 3am though! :-)

1 comment:

~Ane~ said...

You might have said ealrier what you are studying, but I'm nosy about your research, what is that about?