Yesterday I was all excited because I got my summer class finished up. I ended up not getting as much sleep before work as I had hoped but didn't feel too tired. I was planning before work to go to my favorite LSS which is happens to be closing this Sunday forever! I was shocked as they announced this on Tuesday and then closing on Sunday. I was hoping to get in on the 50% sale and when I walked in the door the line was wrapped around the store! I left as I had two more stops to make before going to work. I was hoping to get there today but I was soo sleepy that it didn't happen. I hope to be able to make it in on the last day.
The day got pretty icky when I got to work and I happened to be the charge nurse for the evening. We were actually staffed okay and I am very thankful for that. The night started out fairly good. We were getting some new admits but then admitting kept calling and kept calling. I wasn't able to see my patients as I like because of having to take all these phone calls and then assign RN and PCA's with new patients. Between 1900 and 2400 we had 10 admits! To much for 4 nurses to take care of in my opinion. We all had about 2 admits at the same time and they just kept coming. I finally said something to the girl in admitting and she told me that we were the only floor with this many beds. So that makes it okay for us too many patients at the same time? I called nursing office to let them know about what was going on and there was a nurse staying over from evenings trying to help people get caught up. He came up and helped us out to get caught up. I was sooo glad that admitting didn't call the rest of the night! We also only had 3 beds left at that point!
I think my stress from last night is still with me. I have been grouchy tonight. I called my parents to ask if they would come over and help me install this window a/c so I am not melting in my bonus room. I had called earlier in the week to ask if they would come out on Sunday so I called again tonight just to make sure that was still in the works. My Mom was asking me about Monday which I work and it would be another whole week again before getting this done if I waited and it is freaking hot in my bonus room! I can tell they aren't excited about coming over. :-P I have had this window a/c for about 2 weeks now and have been having to do homework in a room with temps. in the high 90's. It just makes me mad the attitude I was getting when I had talked to them about this earlier in the week.
I am hoping to go something relaxing tonight and hopefully get rid of this stress. I think ice cream needs to be involved! :-)