Sunday, July 15, 2007

One hot bonus room!

I took the window fan out of the window and closed the window to see if that will help my allergies. I had a talk with the nurses at my allergy doctor office and they told me that the window fan was the worst thing I could do for my allergies! It was helping cool off my bonus room. I couldn't tolerate being in my bonus room this afternoon as it was 95 degrees. And currently it is 84 degrees. My allergies haven't been as bad today so that is a plus.

I have a plan plotted out for getting homework done and being almost done with my class. I was at the Mudhouse today trying to get this done and ended up getting nothing done! I had a little lunch but bit into chicken fat so that was the end of lunch. Then my sister called me on my cell phone and after we got off the phone, I ended up leaving the Mudhouse.

My whole point of getting all this homework done is to go to Six Flags with my sister and nieces this Friday. Then she told me today that she wants to stay all day and spend half of it at the water park and the other half at the amusement park. I don't have a swimsuit and don't have time this week to try to shop for one. This is always an ugly task! The one I have I left in the trunk of my car and the spandex gave out! She wanted me to drive which I don't think I would be very good with if she wanted to leave early in the morning and stay all day. One thing with working nights is the fact that I can't stay awake very well in the day and mixing a round trip 3 hour drive with that wouldn't mix. I have a feeling that I won't be going now. It would still be nice to get some of this hideous homework done!

I got home this evening and was going to mow the yard. I had a little bit of a sinus headache so I decided to lay down for about 20 minutes and had the alarm set on my cell phone. I ended up sleeping through it and woke up at 11pm! Argh! My 20 minutes turned into a 4 hour nap. The yardwork isn't done!!! I hope to wake up around 9am and mow the yard tomorrow (I guess today now!). I hate yardwork!

The more I hear about the iphone, the more I am not sure I really want one. I have been told that the battery doesn't last that long and you have to send it off to get the battery changed which is $79. I am not sure how long that takes but you would be without a phone during this time. So, I have a plan B. I have found me a phone that I hope to get this December when I can upgrade that has some of the features that the iphone has. It is the blackberry pearl. I haven't seen one in real life yet but what I have read on the internet sounds good. I should be able to get discounts on one of them! I still have a few months before I can get me a new cool phone!

I don't have anything to drink in the house and I am thirsty. I would drink water but the other day the water had a weird smell to it so I am afraid of it! My hot water had the smell of burnt rubber! YUCK! I am off to get me a cool, refreshing drink from somewhere!

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