Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lazy Sunday

I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and feeling tired today. I have taken my shower this morning and slowly getting ready for the day. I have been working on getting my bathroom counter organized. It was getting too cluttered and I have been getting tired of the messyness. I keep all my makeup stuff in a wicker basket but it was overflowing! I am going through and throwing things away. I hope by the end of the day it will look much better!

I am going to work on my study guide for an online exam that is due by Wednesday at 0900. Since I work Tuesday night, I need to do it before I go to work. I have learned though that the study guides are the questions on the test but she always throws in some extras. If I get stumped on one, I just hope it is one of the extras!

I am off to do a little web surfing of Paris, France!

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