Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rain, Rain go away . . . .

I think we are starting with April showers sooner than expected! I checked the weather for the next 10 days and it show rain through next Monday! I really hope that does change so I can get my bike out and take pictures at the park.

I have been awake since midnight and never did get to bed. I should be able to sleep normal tonight as long as I don't fall asleep to early! I have two appointments today so I am planning to be lazy around the house till it is time for my first appointment. Hopefully my first appointment doesn't take to long as it is very close to my hair appointment that I thought was yesterday!

I sat in the tub for 45 minutes today and was reading the latest Creating Keepsakes magazine and was reading letters in regards to the digital kit that was available for download that I never did anything with. I need to find the booklet that was with that issue and see what I might be able to do with that digi kit. I even saw a link about a 4 week class on photoshop elements. I think I need to somehow fit that in my already busy schedule! I am sure I will learn things not only for digi scrapping that I would like to learn but also for editing photos too!

I am having 130 photos printed today of recent photos I have taken and I hope to be able to scrapbook some of them with the kits I have made or from my scrapjammies kits that I haven't used yet.

I am also going to try to give my blog a new look. This can be a pain because of the HTML codes that I ad. When you choose a new templete, it doesn't keep what you have added. I am going to start the process of making a Word document with my html codes so I can just copy and paste them back into a new templete and I hope to learn how to make a banner for my blog also. I have a few blogs saved that gives you tips on how to do this so hopefully in the next few days as time allows, I will have a new look here! :-)

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